The Hemet -San Jacinto Genealogical Society and The Hemet Public Library
Curt B Witcher, MLS,FUGA, IGSF from Allen County Public Library
Ft. Wayne, Indiana www.GenealogyCenter.Org
It was with great anticipation we headed to Hemet against the odds of a horrendous storm, arriving safely and before any rain or other elements descended on the area.
We stayed at the Best Western which was recommended by the society. We had proper service and everyone was very pleasant. We asked for extra blankets and turned up the heater. The bed was awesome for sleep. The weather woke us at 1:30 and it was coming down like no tomorrow at that time. It appeared to be hail, rain and lots of intense wind. By early morning when we were ready for breakfast it was still raining but not pouring as earlier during the night.
We ate next door and had a good breakfast. Denny's Thank you. As a retired employee I like to compliment them when service is good. My breakfast was less than $4.00 including coffee.
We then cruised up the street and over to the magnificent Library facility that this area has. You have to see it to believe it. This is no joke. Our seminar was on the upper floor of the building and was ample enough that 150+ people sat at tables and listened to and watched the slides that Mr. Witcher presented.
I am going to skip ahead and say when the day was done. Gene Chaney said if you would like to see what happened while we were learning step out on the patio to your right, or something to that affect.
Out the duel doors on the patio, many people had grabbed camera's and were shooting pictures of the mountains in the se background that were covered with that white stuff we seldom see called snow.
Earlier Mr. Witcher had said, he appreciated our warm welcome and the weather he was used to but was looking forward to a sunny, warm California day. We all chuckled and we knew old Man Weather had been not kind to Indianians for weather this winter.
Now for the Seminar and Workshop Presentation by Mr. Witcher. As always he is excellent, articulate, concise and clear in speech and presentation.
We received a terrific hand out presented by him with much data for our future use. It was in color and
several pages long.
The first topic he presented was: Historical Research Methodology; Engaging the Process to Find All the Answers. This talk gave charts and words to guide us in our research. He talked about the art of asking a question. Brevity and clarity are key in getting results from a librarian when writing a query or asking for assistance. He also discussed getting out of the genealogy area of a library and discovery the other areas of research that are so helpful.
The second presentation was: Mining the Motherlode: Using Periodical Literature and PERSI for Genealogical Research. This was explaining the stories in newspapers and magazines of old carry much
data to help in your research. PERSI via Heritage Quest and is the largest subject index
to genealogical publications published in North America and the British Isles. PERSI stands for
PERiodical Source Index. "Mr. Witcher's direct comment"
After a delicious lunch provided by the Boy Scouts of America we then listened to information about:
Using Church Records In Your Genealogical Research - American Church Records. Explaining the why for using them and the where to find them. He listed his many sources for presenting this information also.
Then the final presentation for today was about: Roll Call, New Sites and Sources for Military Records and Research. This was another very informational filled talk about the various wars and what we can glean from their records. Where the records may be found or located, What can be in the files and books and reports that are available also was discussed in length.
I do not want to ruin this talk for someone else so I am not making it elaborate with data from his talks.
I believe if he offers to present to your area you take the energy and time and go the distance and listen to him present his knowledgeable information and enjoy the ride.
Mr. Witcher, Thank You for your time and presentations. Thank you also for answering, part of my Indian ancestors potential hunt for answers regarding records. I am hoping PERSI can help resolve this issue.
The prizes presented during the seminar will be my next topic on this blog. Wow, they were awesome even if I did not win one.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sites Worth Noting
As a family historian and genealogist I thought I'd pass along a few websites worth noting ...From my friend with her permission. The Thomas Day Education Project (TDEP) ... see more on the project.
"Thomas Day (1801 – 1861) was a 19th-century free African-American craftsman and a founding father of the modern Southern furniture industry. " " A new NEH-sponsored website Voyages, the African Slave Trade Database aggregates information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over ten million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The website offers researchers, teachers and , students a chance to rediscover the reality of one of the largest forced movements of people in world history." "The Crafting Freedom Website provides educators with a user-friendly resource on the African-American experience during the era of slavery. Here you'll find ready-to-use lesson plans, videos, PDF slide shows, teacher tools, and student handouts that bridge the gap between the expanding scholarship on the 19th-century black experience and the need for this history to be more widely understood. "
"This two-part lesson plan draws on letters written by African Americans in slavery and by free blacks to loved ones still in bondage, singling out a few among the many slave experiences to offer students a glimpse into slavery and its effects on African American family life."
Other sites worth viewing:
"Did you know" "As part of a major Civil War assault against Richmond's defenses, 14 African American soldiers received the Medal of Honor for heroic conduct at the battle of New Market Heights, September 29, 1864"
Thursday, February 24, 2011
National Chili Day Do you have a favorite Recipe??
Today is National Chili Day here in the USA. It seems to fit right in with the weather conditions also.
Do you have a favorite Chili Recipe?
I have a couple I like to use. One is an in a hurry and pre packaged partially.
The other one is from scratch from beginning to end except I no longer grow the beans and meat.
Chili can come in many variations which was a surprise to me when I was learning to cook as a pre
teen. We almost always made from scratch though would add extra beans from can if company came
in to share a meal of Chili and Cornbread. I did not realize you could even eat Chili with out cornbread
until I was living with husband and met many other ethnic groups and their versions of Chili.
Vegetarian is very popular today. I chuckle we called it Poor Man's Chili and did with out the meat
on some extended weekends.
Growing up on a mini ranch one learned to utilize what we grew. We had beeves, chickens, pigs and
one year we even grew turkeys. A few times we had sheep so we could sell and swap with others for
hunted meat from the wild. We mostly had cows, beef and pigs. We milked the cows, we raised our
own meat. We hardly ever bought it from the grocery store. Dad did not trust the chemicals that ranchers
and farmers were beginning to supplement into the grain for faster growth and weight gain. Many of
those chemicals are gone today but you would be amazed at how many are still used in our products over
the counter at the store.
It was about ten years ago when a multi distant cousin shared with me " WHITE CHILI". Yes, I
had the recipe shared with me and I make it ever so often. I am going to play with it and use dark beans
to see if we can get a better anti oxident concept since it uses chicken and Navy beans instead of dark
I have one I make with multi mixed beans in it. My niece gave me one with ground turkey and ground
round mixed. I had eaten some of hers and it was excellent. She even uses this meat mix for her Spaghetti.
So with the chilly weather enjoy a bowl of Chili tonight or soon. With or without meat, with or without
tomatoes, you will probably have an excellent meal. But I will say I really like cornbread with my Chili.
If you want to swap and share let me know.
Do you have a favorite Chili Recipe?
I have a couple I like to use. One is an in a hurry and pre packaged partially.
The other one is from scratch from beginning to end except I no longer grow the beans and meat.
Chili can come in many variations which was a surprise to me when I was learning to cook as a pre
teen. We almost always made from scratch though would add extra beans from can if company came
in to share a meal of Chili and Cornbread. I did not realize you could even eat Chili with out cornbread
until I was living with husband and met many other ethnic groups and their versions of Chili.
Vegetarian is very popular today. I chuckle we called it Poor Man's Chili and did with out the meat
on some extended weekends.
Growing up on a mini ranch one learned to utilize what we grew. We had beeves, chickens, pigs and
one year we even grew turkeys. A few times we had sheep so we could sell and swap with others for
hunted meat from the wild. We mostly had cows, beef and pigs. We milked the cows, we raised our
own meat. We hardly ever bought it from the grocery store. Dad did not trust the chemicals that ranchers
and farmers were beginning to supplement into the grain for faster growth and weight gain. Many of
those chemicals are gone today but you would be amazed at how many are still used in our products over
the counter at the store.
It was about ten years ago when a multi distant cousin shared with me " WHITE CHILI". Yes, I
had the recipe shared with me and I make it ever so often. I am going to play with it and use dark beans
to see if we can get a better anti oxident concept since it uses chicken and Navy beans instead of dark
I have one I make with multi mixed beans in it. My niece gave me one with ground turkey and ground
round mixed. I had eaten some of hers and it was excellent. She even uses this meat mix for her Spaghetti.
So with the chilly weather enjoy a bowl of Chili tonight or soon. With or without meat, with or without
tomatoes, you will probably have an excellent meal. But I will say I really like cornbread with my Chili.
If you want to swap and share let me know.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Margaret Lewis Today's Speaker and Educator for Genealogy
Identifying & Researching Your Ancestors' who Served in the Military
Margaret Lewis, was our speaker today. She always has some new insight to offer to make you think and rethink your research.
Her table stating when a soldier potentially born indicates what war he may have been able to serve in is such a great no brainer. So why hadn't I figured that out.
Her talk was on finding the service men in your family. She starts Rev War and pre and then on to and through Vietnam.
She gave clues on what to look for for each War and the Draft Registration. She talked about Bounty lands that were used as payment for Rev War, War of 1812 Veterans.
She talked of the 1890 Veterans Census, Pension Records, History books, Lineage Societies, Confederate and Union Military Records, and Draft Registrations. The list goes on.
Maybe because I am a by product of the Military I am aware of these things and where to look but she did
help me to learn more about the Confederate side of the family data and where to look.
She mentioned that most Death Certificates state whether the deceased had fought in a war.
She listed many things to look for when looking at Census, More than just name, age, on the line, occupation, served in service, birth place & marriage date. Census also shows if owned or rented land.
She mentioned Church Records, Cemetery Records, Newspapers, Local Historical data, Regimental Data, and Land Bounty Warrants, Military Enlistment records, homes for Disabled Veterans, Civil War Draft registration and WW1 Draft Registration and the Old Man's Draft (WW2).
As always she was informative, articulate, easy to listen to and so much to absorb. She brings the information to the front of mind and makes it stick there so easily.
Marti thanks for such a great presentation and sharing time with us today.
Margaret Lewis, was our speaker today. She always has some new insight to offer to make you think and rethink your research.
Her table stating when a soldier potentially born indicates what war he may have been able to serve in is such a great no brainer. So why hadn't I figured that out.
Her talk was on finding the service men in your family. She starts Rev War and pre and then on to and through Vietnam.
She gave clues on what to look for for each War and the Draft Registration. She talked about Bounty lands that were used as payment for Rev War, War of 1812 Veterans.
She talked of the 1890 Veterans Census, Pension Records, History books, Lineage Societies, Confederate and Union Military Records, and Draft Registrations. The list goes on.
Maybe because I am a by product of the Military I am aware of these things and where to look but she did
help me to learn more about the Confederate side of the family data and where to look.
She mentioned that most Death Certificates state whether the deceased had fought in a war.
She listed many things to look for when looking at Census, More than just name, age, on the line, occupation, served in service, birth place & marriage date. Census also shows if owned or rented land.
She mentioned Church Records, Cemetery Records, Newspapers, Local Historical data, Regimental Data, and Land Bounty Warrants, Military Enlistment records, homes for Disabled Veterans, Civil War Draft registration and WW1 Draft Registration and the Old Man's Draft (WW2).
As always she was informative, articulate, easy to listen to and so much to absorb. She brings the information to the front of mind and makes it stick there so easily.
Marti thanks for such a great presentation and sharing time with us today.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Southern California Genealogical Society Announces.........

Southern California Genealogical Society | SoCal Genealogical Society | Genealogy Jamboree | 417 Irving Drive | Burbank | CA | 91504-2408 |

Monday, February 21, 2011
Random Shots of Family and Friends. Jan 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Technological Changes During Childhood
Technological Changes 1940 to 1960
The world was a buzz with War going on. Planes were build and sent to fly, from prop to turbo prop by the end of this time. Jet's were just about to replace all prop planes.
Microwaves were on the horizon by the time the mid 19 50's came around.
My big technological change would be the development of Oleo or margarine. United Air Lines gave it to their passengers first to try. AHH but the workers tried it first. You had to mix the color in and add salt to make it platable This was about 1950-2. For my world time.
Typewriters went electrical, of course today children ask what is a typewriter.
Rotary dial phones came on the scene from the crank on the wall. Today we have Cell phones.
Paint compositions changed in many ways. Glues to put wall paper on the wall changed.
I helped with the flour water method and then the store bought glue method.
Televisions were coming on the scene also. Some of my classmates had them by the 1950's. We did not get one until Sputnik was famous and family felt we were missing to many changes happening and the teachers want us to watch the news every day to report at school what we learned at night.
What I do not do today is Wall Paper. I do like it but husband does not.
There were many other changes with washing machines from wringer washer to automatic. Dryers from clothes lines to what is used today.
Car engines changed and oil filters changed, brake assemblies were changed, Transmissions made major changes. Lights on cars were redesigned and many new features were added to cars.
As a child an Automatic cost extra money. We all learned on a stick shift. Today is reverse.
We used fireplaces for heat and many places today you can not burn wood or fireplaces. GRRRRR
The world was a buzz with War going on. Planes were build and sent to fly, from prop to turbo prop by the end of this time. Jet's were just about to replace all prop planes.
Microwaves were on the horizon by the time the mid 19 50's came around.
My big technological change would be the development of Oleo or margarine. United Air Lines gave it to their passengers first to try. AHH but the workers tried it first. You had to mix the color in and add salt to make it platable This was about 1950-2. For my world time.
Typewriters went electrical, of course today children ask what is a typewriter.
Rotary dial phones came on the scene from the crank on the wall. Today we have Cell phones.
Paint compositions changed in many ways. Glues to put wall paper on the wall changed.
I helped with the flour water method and then the store bought glue method.
Televisions were coming on the scene also. Some of my classmates had them by the 1950's. We did not get one until Sputnik was famous and family felt we were missing to many changes happening and the teachers want us to watch the news every day to report at school what we learned at night.
What I do not do today is Wall Paper. I do like it but husband does not.
There were many other changes with washing machines from wringer washer to automatic. Dryers from clothes lines to what is used today.
Car engines changed and oil filters changed, brake assemblies were changed, Transmissions made major changes. Lights on cars were redesigned and many new features were added to cars.
As a child an Automatic cost extra money. We all learned on a stick shift. Today is reverse.
We used fireplaces for heat and many places today you can not burn wood or fireplaces. GRRRRR
Friday, February 18, 2011
Not Valentine's Day but National Chocolate Mint Day 19 February
What better way to celebrate chocolate. The medical field says that Dark Chocolate is good for the body 1 small piece a day. Entire page in local paper commented on the positive properties of Chocolate.
Now if your a Chocolate Mint fan like me this is a thing to note. 19 February is CHOCOLATE MINT DAY. Yup, I shouted that out for you all.
Chocolate mint is also a herb that tastes of the characteristics of which we speak.
Thought I would float some urls for you all to check out for fun.
One of my favorites is this one.
National Chocolate Mint Day!
Either version should work.
If you want more information
Enjoy and yes Virginia you can use white chocolate and enjoy.
Think we genealogists need to plan a seminar on this day and constantly pass out chocolate mints to our guests. Future thoughts.
Now if your a Chocolate Mint fan like me this is a thing to note. 19 February is CHOCOLATE MINT DAY. Yup, I shouted that out for you all.
Chocolate mint is also a herb that tastes of the characteristics of which we speak.
Thought I would float some urls for you all to check out for fun.
One of my favorites is this one.
National Chocolate Mint Day!
Either version should work.
If you want more information
Enjoy and yes Virginia you can use white chocolate and enjoy.
Think we genealogists need to plan a seminar on this day and constantly pass out chocolate mints to our guests. Future thoughts.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Dash--- Yes the Genealogical Dash
The Dash, what is it? What do we do with it? Do we dash and run and hide? Do we dash away to do something else.
The Dash, do we embrace the Dash and fill in the blank spaces?
As genealogists we are to probably experience all of the above in the filling in the blanks of a Dash over a period of time.
If you review your Home Research Program you will find many, way to many Dashes we need to remove.
Even as diligently as we work, the Dashes seem to multiply.
We seldom get the full story on a new connection and it then gives us many more Dashes to fill in.
Do we love Dashes yes we do. It is what keeps us hunting and digging and squirming for a new find.
We will probably end up with an new explanation for a Dash if we keep this up.
How many Dashes have you found this week?
The Dash, do we embrace the Dash and fill in the blank spaces?
As genealogists we are to probably experience all of the above in the filling in the blanks of a Dash over a period of time.
If you review your Home Research Program you will find many, way to many Dashes we need to remove.
Even as diligently as we work, the Dashes seem to multiply.
We seldom get the full story on a new connection and it then gives us many more Dashes to fill in.
Do we love Dashes yes we do. It is what keeps us hunting and digging and squirming for a new find.
We will probably end up with an new explanation for a Dash if we keep this up.
How many Dashes have you found this week?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What Area's Do You Research Blog Readers?
In writing articles for all to learn and share I am curious what areas of research are my friends and readers researching. Did you find the Tim McGraw episode helpful to apply to your research?
The migration pattern shown in this episode, is one that is used by many early migratory settlers.
Since I am doing a talk on "Migration across the US" in a few months, I thought I would see what areas
people are most interested.
There are trails used that were less known but I suspect people want to first learn about the major trails used and methods of travel.
So hoping to get some feedback to share with all about places to track and methods used to get there.
The migration pattern shown in this episode, is one that is used by many early migratory settlers.
Since I am doing a talk on "Migration across the US" in a few months, I thought I would see what areas
people are most interested.
There are trails used that were less known but I suspect people want to first learn about the major trails used and methods of travel.
So hoping to get some feedback to share with all about places to track and methods used to get there.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
More Questions Left Unanswered, very intriguing Tim McGraw
They have done it finally, making it more intriguing and full of unanswered questions. Obviously, Mr. McGraw did not ask these questions and the ones asked made a great interesting story.
But the lineages kept being swapped over and over. I bet there are many researchers that watched this that have answers to their lineage now.
We started with Tim McGraw then his Dad, his Granddad and his Great Granddad. But we shy away
here to the mother's lineage. Yes, a definitely well known name in Missouri and then back to Virginia.
But what happened to the McGraw lineage?
As the story progresses we pick up new surnames because we are following the female side of the family.
I was thrilled to see them show that the female line is as important as the male line.
The migration pattern used was pretty much as stated in most books. The movement in the regions they lived are a good guide for anyone that is researching in those areas.
If one takes the information and applies it to the areas then there is much to be gained by most starting genealogists on what to look for, where to look and who to contact.
It was neat to see that they also found another famous musicians family on the same boat as Tim's ancestor.
I often wonder if we took a ships log and checked the names into our lines, what we could learn.
I do not mean my direct line I mean the families lines of one of our given names. In other words,
Moreen Duvall of Middle Plantation, and all his descendants, how many are interrelated to others that came on the same ship as he did. I bet you would find many.
Did anyone keep track of how many surnames were used in this episode?
But the lineages kept being swapped over and over. I bet there are many researchers that watched this that have answers to their lineage now.
We started with Tim McGraw then his Dad, his Granddad and his Great Granddad. But we shy away
here to the mother's lineage. Yes, a definitely well known name in Missouri and then back to Virginia.
But what happened to the McGraw lineage?
As the story progresses we pick up new surnames because we are following the female side of the family.
I was thrilled to see them show that the female line is as important as the male line.
The migration pattern used was pretty much as stated in most books. The movement in the regions they lived are a good guide for anyone that is researching in those areas.
If one takes the information and applies it to the areas then there is much to be gained by most starting genealogists on what to look for, where to look and who to contact.
It was neat to see that they also found another famous musicians family on the same boat as Tim's ancestor.
I often wonder if we took a ships log and checked the names into our lines, what we could learn.
I do not mean my direct line I mean the families lines of one of our given names. In other words,
Moreen Duvall of Middle Plantation, and all his descendants, how many are interrelated to others that came on the same ship as he did. I bet you would find many.
Did anyone keep track of how many surnames were used in this episode?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Expansion and Graveyards yet Again
161-year-old graveyard to be bulldozed to make way for new runway at Chicago's O'Hare airport | Mail Online
I read this the other day and had to wait until I calmed down before I could go forward. I am appalled at what people continue to do with Graveyards. So Do Something Different for Expansion. Have you no respect? Do you not think someday you will be dead?
I looked at the tombstones and the condition of cemetery and your not even picking on one that is in ruins.
Sometimes progress shows ones lack of respect for life and death.
I surely can understand cremation more than ever before.
I bet these people paid good money for what they are interred in and I am not seeing any compensation except to move what can be removed so that ground can be flat and airplanes land on it.
I think you need to build above and reinforce the runway so people can still enjoy the cemetery.
Yup lift up the runway and adjust your thinking. I guess I am just tired of the destroying of cemeteries.
Not long ago I read where the coal companies go out in the out back of country and gobble of family cemeteries along with the coal ore and send it to plant for rendering. Those families are not moved or even
notification of kin is taking place.
Money, Money and Money..
I read this the other day and had to wait until I calmed down before I could go forward. I am appalled at what people continue to do with Graveyards. So Do Something Different for Expansion. Have you no respect? Do you not think someday you will be dead?
I looked at the tombstones and the condition of cemetery and your not even picking on one that is in ruins.
Sometimes progress shows ones lack of respect for life and death.
I surely can understand cremation more than ever before.
I bet these people paid good money for what they are interred in and I am not seeing any compensation except to move what can be removed so that ground can be flat and airplanes land on it.
I think you need to build above and reinforce the runway so people can still enjoy the cemetery.
Yup lift up the runway and adjust your thinking. I guess I am just tired of the destroying of cemeteries.
Not long ago I read where the coal companies go out in the out back of country and gobble of family cemeteries along with the coal ore and send it to plant for rendering. Those families are not moved or even
notification of kin is taking place.
Money, Money and Money..
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Imploded Ancestors
Dick Eastman recently wrote an article on how many ancestors can you have and he covered 20 generations.
I was glad to see that most people realize that many people not on earth at that time so we are repeat of ancestors in our lines.
I for one have several in the last 7 to 10 generations. When a brother and a sister have children that marry they share the common parentage. When the daughter of one line marries the son of the Uncles line again you are repeating kinship. It is fun to watch how this reverts backwards.
George Schweitzer did a great talk on this many years ago for the San Diego Genealogical Society. Before computers were so prolific and people could so easily see the compiled over use of same family in different lines.
Recently holding a meeting at Fillippi's in Chula Vista I had to point out to fellow members the great chart they have on their entry way wall on the family lineage. A Gold Star to them to showing it up front and so beautifully done. My husband saw it three weeks ago when we ate there with a Family Reunion, and brought it to our family's attention. He was impressed with the size and design and information presented.
On my mothers side of the family we have to sets of duplications in the STOUT and DuVALL lines.
On my fathers side we have duel duplication in the FOULK and MYER's lines. We probably have others since I have found FULLER on both sides more than once but still at a stumbling block for some results.
Between the two lines (Mom and Dad) we have 5 direct JONES lines, 2 of those lines may interlink.
On Mom's side we go back farther before the doubling on one but on Dad's it is rather close for both.
We can go back five generations and see the duplication. The DuVall is close for MOM five Generations. The Stout is probably 10 generations back from myself.
What I do find is a lot of cousins marry cousins then making them double cousins but not blood related which can make it very interesting when trying to explain to someone whom is who.
My Grandfather and his sister Grace married in to the Scott line, he married Inez and Grace mar Great
Uncle Dan.
In doing research on line in the old AOL Forum I made connections to one person 13 times the same lines we shared. That seems like we should carry a lot of the same traits and genes. But I have never asked the DNA people if they have worked that angle before. (13 parent sets)
How many times have you connected with another person on line? I have a few at 4 and 6 and most at only one lineage (2 names) .
I was glad to see that most people realize that many people not on earth at that time so we are repeat of ancestors in our lines.
I for one have several in the last 7 to 10 generations. When a brother and a sister have children that marry they share the common parentage. When the daughter of one line marries the son of the Uncles line again you are repeating kinship. It is fun to watch how this reverts backwards.
George Schweitzer did a great talk on this many years ago for the San Diego Genealogical Society. Before computers were so prolific and people could so easily see the compiled over use of same family in different lines.
Recently holding a meeting at Fillippi's in Chula Vista I had to point out to fellow members the great chart they have on their entry way wall on the family lineage. A Gold Star to them to showing it up front and so beautifully done. My husband saw it three weeks ago when we ate there with a Family Reunion, and brought it to our family's attention. He was impressed with the size and design and information presented.
On my mothers side of the family we have to sets of duplications in the STOUT and DuVALL lines.
On my fathers side we have duel duplication in the FOULK and MYER's lines. We probably have others since I have found FULLER on both sides more than once but still at a stumbling block for some results.
Between the two lines (Mom and Dad) we have 5 direct JONES lines, 2 of those lines may interlink.
On Mom's side we go back farther before the doubling on one but on Dad's it is rather close for both.
We can go back five generations and see the duplication. The DuVall is close for MOM five Generations. The Stout is probably 10 generations back from myself.
What I do find is a lot of cousins marry cousins then making them double cousins but not blood related which can make it very interesting when trying to explain to someone whom is who.
My Grandfather and his sister Grace married in to the Scott line, he married Inez and Grace mar Great
Uncle Dan.
In doing research on line in the old AOL Forum I made connections to one person 13 times the same lines we shared. That seems like we should carry a lot of the same traits and genes. But I have never asked the DNA people if they have worked that angle before. (13 parent sets)
How many times have you connected with another person on line? I have a few at 4 and 6 and most at only one lineage (2 names) .
Wills, Probates, Insurance and the Law for Genealogists
Wills, Probates, Insurance and the Law for Genealogists
April, 2, 2011 at the Bonita Library in Bonita, Ca we are presenting a duel set of speakers and
some informative information for genealogists regarding the above mentioned topics.
The presentation will be done by an attorney and an insurance agent, both well respected in the community.
The time will be:
Doors Open 9:45 a m
First speaker 10:00 a m
Yes this is just a teaser so you are aware of something to set aside on your calendar day.
Watch for the two speakers names and more information in the next few days and weeks.
Go to your calendar now and mark off this date. The time is 10 am to 2 pm.
They are hard at work to make this a most interesting informative event.
April, 2, 2011 at the Bonita Library in Bonita, Ca we are presenting a duel set of speakers and
some informative information for genealogists regarding the above mentioned topics.
The presentation will be done by an attorney and an insurance agent, both well respected in the community.
The time will be:
Doors Open 9:45 a m
First speaker 10:00 a m
Yes this is just a teaser so you are aware of something to set aside on your calendar day.
Watch for the two speakers names and more information in the next few days and weeks.
Go to your calendar now and mark off this date. The time is 10 am to 2 pm.
They are hard at work to make this a most interesting informative event.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Linking into the previous Post. FOLK-FOULK-MYERS
William Henry Foulk b 1846 Somerset Co. Pa died Washburn IA area 1940, marries Katherine Myers,
remember the inter linking of family.
His parents:
Peter Jr and Susan (Susannah) Martin Showalter had:
William Henry b Somerset Co. PA, Matilda*, Mary M*, Susan C.* Sarah J*, and Levia F (male) according to census.
William H and Katherine Myers (FOLK)FOULK son Harvey Edward marries Margaret Mae EASTMAN.
Margaret Mae's lineage as follows: her Grandmother on the EASTMAN side was Indian. There is a story everyone in family has and I have found it written in the Indian records done by Lorriane Rainwater.
The biggest question was what was the maiden name of Esther. I think the Indian records confirm that it was THOMAS. (story will be placed on another page) ( I hate to post it for fear someone would abuse it.)
Margaret Mae Eastman was born 6 Oct 1874 in Black Hawk Co, IA,US and died 23 Jan 1958 in BlackHawk Co. Iowa, US.( I shared letters with her as a young girl and teen. She died the year I graduated from High School).
Her parents:
George Herbert EASTMAN b 1834 CT, US m 28 Oct 1860 Davis, Iowa, US to Lydia TROWBRIDGE
b 4 Sept 1841 Edwardsville, NY and died Waterloo, IA area. (seeking death records and Obit), George death 12 Nov 1910, IA.
George's parents:
Abijah Stoddard EASTMAN b 1778 Connecticut, d 10 Mar 1852 marries Esther (THOMAS?) b1796 NY and dies ILL.
It is Esther who is of Indian Lineage. Her father was Indian or her grandfather was Indian. Her mother was white and had 3 children prior to marriage to Indian.
Both women in these stories passed down many Indian remedies and traits to the family.
I only have Roderick b NY 1831 and George Herbert b CT 1834, as children of Abijah and Esther but I know there were other children. His father is next door to him in the 1820 census.
Both come from Medicine Man lineage. Key tribal people within the tribe.
IF you have any data on these lines an email would be appreciated. I am looking for DNA
results to assist and prove data.
William Henry Foulk b 1846 Somerset Co. Pa died Washburn IA area 1940, marries Katherine Myers,
remember the inter linking of family.
His parents:
Peter Jr and Susan (Susannah) Martin Showalter had:
William Henry b Somerset Co. PA, Matilda*, Mary M*, Susan C.* Sarah J*, and Levia F (male) according to census.
William H and Katherine Myers (FOLK)FOULK son Harvey Edward marries Margaret Mae EASTMAN.
Margaret Mae's lineage as follows: her Grandmother on the EASTMAN side was Indian. There is a story everyone in family has and I have found it written in the Indian records done by Lorriane Rainwater.
The biggest question was what was the maiden name of Esther. I think the Indian records confirm that it was THOMAS. (story will be placed on another page) ( I hate to post it for fear someone would abuse it.)
Margaret Mae Eastman was born 6 Oct 1874 in Black Hawk Co, IA,US and died 23 Jan 1958 in BlackHawk Co. Iowa, US.( I shared letters with her as a young girl and teen. She died the year I graduated from High School).
Her parents:
George Herbert EASTMAN b 1834 CT, US m 28 Oct 1860 Davis, Iowa, US to Lydia TROWBRIDGE
b 4 Sept 1841 Edwardsville, NY and died Waterloo, IA area. (seeking death records and Obit), George death 12 Nov 1910, IA.
George's parents:
Abijah Stoddard EASTMAN b 1778 Connecticut, d 10 Mar 1852 marries Esther (THOMAS?) b1796 NY and dies ILL.
It is Esther who is of Indian Lineage. Her father was Indian or her grandfather was Indian. Her mother was white and had 3 children prior to marriage to Indian.
Both women in these stories passed down many Indian remedies and traits to the family.
I only have Roderick b NY 1831 and George Herbert b CT 1834, as children of Abijah and Esther but I know there were other children. His father is next door to him in the 1820 census.
Both come from Medicine Man lineage. Key tribal people within the tribe.
IF you have any data on these lines an email would be appreciated. I am looking for DNA
results to assist and prove data.
New Leads, Folk-Myers-Foulk-Eastman & Trowbridge
New Leads -Potential Answers
As I lay sleeping, I was awakened with a sudden thought. Gee, isn't that when all the crazy ideas come?
I am tracking down some great, great, great Grandmothers. Oh yes, I know whom most of them are but
as others say my sources are thin and my mind has needs.
I turned on my computer and checked what I had and yes, I am looking for the females of the family lines on these names. I need/want/desire/ long for/ a MTdna test of these lines to see if the Indian shows in their tests.
We have only one line that I can track back and have Indian lineages verified. I have another that is strongly implied. That one I fear may never be verified, until I realized when reading the newsletter from Roberta Estes that MTdna can probably give me the answer.
The problem with that is my male -female lineage is broken, doubled but broken.
Understanding DNA has left me with a question. I know MTdna has to be female to female to female.
Understanding that YDna has to be male to male to male but you as a male can give mtdna also?
So there in brings up many questions for getting the right tests done.
As I lay sleeping, I was awakened with a sudden thought. Gee, isn't that when all the crazy ideas come?
I am tracking down some great, great, great Grandmothers. Oh yes, I know whom most of them are but
as others say my sources are thin and my mind has needs.
I turned on my computer and checked what I had and yes, I am looking for the females of the family lines on these names. I need/want/desire/ long for/ a MTdna test of these lines to see if the Indian shows in their tests.
We have only one line that I can track back and have Indian lineages verified. I have another that is strongly implied. That one I fear may never be verified, until I realized when reading the newsletter from Roberta Estes that MTdna can probably give me the answer.
The problem with that is my male -female lineage is broken, doubled but broken.
Understanding DNA has left me with a question. I know MTdna has to be female to female to female.
Understanding that YDna has to be male to male to male but you as a male can give mtdna also?
So there in brings up many questions for getting the right tests done.
I believe Grandma gave me these names. Some I am sure of since talking to descendants.We need to locate the female downline descendants of
William Henry Foulk b 1846 Somerset Co PA and Katherine Myers b 30 May 1845 Perry Co. PA.
I have this as the names of the children:
Harvey Edward, my ancestor.
Arthur, Oliver , *Susan, *Carrie, *Alma A, *Adeline, *Minnie E, Ezra, Roy.
Also needing data on Katherine Myers whose lineage is also a FOULK, descendant.
Peter Folk/Foulk Sr ma Catherine(?) Indian. son of John Folk and Mary,potentially Choctaw?
daughter Sarah Elizabeth nicknamed Jane Foulk marries John Myers, RyeTownship, Perry Co. PA, US.
Their daughter is Katherine Myers whom marries William Henry Foulk. They share a common ancestors.
Willam Henry Foulk lineage is:John Folk to Peter Folk Sr to Peter Folk Jr m to Susannah Martin Showalter. Peter Jr and Sarah Elizabeth (Jane are siblings)
Willam Henry Foulk lineage is:John Folk to Peter Folk Sr to Peter Folk Jr m to Susannah Martin Showalter. Peter Jr and Sarah Elizabeth (Jane are siblings)
Progenators of Folk Lineage-- John Folk dcd 1793 and Mary Magdeline Strock Folk Greenwich Twp., Berks Co. PA US
Catherine (?) was born in Bucks Co. which is next door to Berks if she is correct lineage.
John Folk, (elder) served in the Rev War from Bucks Co. in PA Archives Series book.
I have John Folk's Will.
Part Two for the EASTMAN- TROWBRIDGE LINK next. Both carry Indian lineage supposedly and that one is found, but desire DNA proof.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
News from Roberta for Cumberland Gap Homecoming
Not knowing where everyone lives, I thought this might be of interest to some of our members. Please feel free to repost as well.
Cumberland Gap Homecoming
All events will be held in the Holiday Inn Express in Middlesboro, Kentucky (1252 N. 12th St.), right on the main drag just north of the Cumberland Gap. These sessions are sponsored by the Cumberland Gap Yahoo internet group who has a shared interest in how DNA can help with genealogy research. Sessions are free, but seating is limited, so first folks there get to sit down.
A few rooms at a discounted rate are still available at the Holiday Inn for this group by calling the hotel directly at 606-248-6860 and telling them you are with the Cumberland Gap Homecoming. After the Holiday Inn fills up, the Sleep Inn next door may have rooms available.
Bring your research and genealogy, a pedigree chart and be prepared to share. Come and sit a spell.
Sessions are only scheduled for the mornings so participants will have time to enjoy the rest of the events being held at the Cumberland Gap Jamboree.
Each evening, companionship time will be offered in the meeting room for visiting and discussing the events of the day.
For updates to this schedule, I recommend subscribing to the Historical Melungeons, Native Americans and Appalachians Blog at or subscribing to our Yahoo group by sending an e-mail to:
If you are interested in the Cumberland Gap DNA project, we have two projects, one for paternal (yline) DNA that follows the male last name, and one for maternal (mitochondrial) DNA which follows the maternal (mother, mother’s mother, etc.) DNA and genealogical lines.
They can be viewed at
You can also e-mail me or my co-administrators for the project FAQ - Roberta Estes,, Penny Ferguson or Janet Crain
This schedule is not cast in concrete and is subject to change. Hope to see you in June.
Cumberland Gap Homecoming Schedule
Wednesday, June 8th - Welcome Reception - 7 PM - Holiday Inn Meeting Room (all events are in the meeting room)
Welcome to this informal reception. Please grab a munchie (Walmart is across the street) and bring along to share. Bring your own nonalcoholic drink.
Thursday, June 9th, 2011
8:30 - 9:30 DNA and Genealogy Introduction - Roberta Estes
Come and learn about how DNA can be used for genealogical research. You’ll learn about how DNA testing works for both males and females. We’ll make science understandable, and by the end of this lecture, you’ll be putting together your own genealogical DNA test plan. Bring your pedigree chart along for quick reference.
9:30-9:45 - Break
9:45 - 10:45 Pennsylvania Connection to the Cumberland Gap - Arnold McClure
How Pennsylvania ties into the migrations through the Cumberland Gap, down the Shenandoah Valley and down the Ohio Valley to Kentucky. Mr. McClure will offer a timeline for the migrations and answer questions you may have about your own ancestry that may help with your research.
10:45 - 11:00 - Break
11:00 - 12:00 - Twists and Turns in the Rocky Road - Roberta Estes
This fun filled lecture uses case studies of both Y-line (paternal) and mitochondrial (maternal) DNA testing to show how DNA can be used to both prove and disprove relationships between people. Be prepared for surprises. This is our most entertaining and most requested presentation and makes a few family skeletons dance.
7:00 - Sit a Spell
Just come and visit, exchange info, share stories....and well....just sit a spell.
Friday, June 10th, 2011
8:30 - 9:30 Yikes, My Results are Back! Now What??? - Roberta Estes
Have DNA results but aren’t sure what to do with them? This session walks you through how to interpret your results and how to get the most out them. This presentation is for both Y-line and mitochondrial DNA.
9:30-9:45 - Break
9:45 - 10:15 Women Who Spied for the Confederacy - Connie Lawson
Eleven women of various social and economic backgrounds who spied for the Confederacy during the Civil War
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Where Have all the Indians Gone? - Roberta Estes
This presentation uses the information presented in Roberta’s most recent academic publication titled “Where Have All the Indians Gone?" This unique approach combines long buried historical data about the Native American tribes that inhabited the area between the Atlantic seaboard and the Appalachian Mountains with DNA information to provide both answers and new questions. Where are the descendants of the Indians today? Who are they? Where are they? What happened?
7:00 Sit a Spell
Saturday, June 11, 2011
8:30 - 9:30 The Melungeons - Jack Goins
Who were the Melungeons? Where did they come from? Who were their ancestors? Are you descended from a Melungeon family? Learn about these fascinating people from the premier Melungeon researcher and Hawkins County Archivist.
9:30 - 9:45 Break
9:45 - 10:45 Melungeons and DNA, the Untold Story - Roberta Estes
This presentation combines history, genealogy and DNA to address the mystery and myth of the Melungeons of Hancock and Hawkins County, Tennessee, their ancestors and descendants.
10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00 Cumberland Gap Migrations - Roberta Estes
Who were the pioneers who settled in the Cumberland Gap area? Where did they come from? Who stayed and who used the Gap as a gateway to the west? What does the DNA of the members of the Cumberland Gap group tell us about those hearty pioneers, where they came from, and who they really were??? Join us on our journey along the Wilderness Road to discover their history.
7:00 - Sit A Spell
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