Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pennsylvania Research

Pennsylvania Research

For the last two months I have been covering research in Pennsylvania at one meeting each month in Lemon Grove, CA at their library. I have also given a talk at the Bonita Library on Pennsylvania Research over all.

Having started with the first three counties and slowly moving through the development of the state county by county we are covering lots of ground and resources are many today.

I first did this type of talk 15 years ago when the computer age for chatting on line was new.
It was done with the Golden Gate Forum on AOL.

More Information is out there today on line than ever was before but it still is less than 10% of the whole.
Can you imagine if they filmed all of Carnegie Library in Pittsburg or the State Library System in Philadelphia?

Family Search is adding more files and documents on a steady basis. Many usgenweb.org sites have increased the knowledge on their sites. Some have fallen in disrepair but the archives will have lots  of information for you to still research.

If you live in the county you may try coming to the Lemon Grove Library 8073 Broadway, Lemon Grove CA.

Berks over view, Northampton, Bedford Counties, Northumberland Co. and maybe touching on Westmoreland Co.  time permitted.


  1. I live in Allegheny County and would LOVE to listen to your lectures. I am currently searching for my husbands 5xgreat grandfather, who lived in Blair, Centre, Huntingdon or Bedford. He lived basically in the same place, but the boundaries kept changing,

  2. Claudia, I will see what I can do for you. Will contact you again tomorrow.
    Thanks very much.

  3. Claudia can you expand on your information. You can reach me at SusiCP@cox.net or the email at the top of this page.
    I talked about Bedford last night and will be putting up a review in the next couple of days. Go for now to usgenweb.org and go to PA then Bedford or use pagenweb.org and go to Bedford click each link learn what they have and who will help and share.
    Also go to rootsweb.com and it takes you to links for joining lists and do that for areas and for the name.
