Sunday, June 25, 2023
JONES KiN ==== Some many years ago , Dad's cousin found us.
Many years back Donald Jones came to visit us with his wife. The line DAD had looked for for eons.
Many weekends we would crawl into the truck and go slowly down the road reading the mail box names lookin
for JONES. WE met many but we never found his Uncle or his cousins. Lots of really nice people though.
See Dad's family split when they were very young. But he remembered visiting his cousins a couple of times.
they lived in Iowa then. They went to visit them.
Once when a cousin was very mean to his own sibling and thought it was very funny. Showing off to these new
family members. It did not set well with Dad or his younger brother. Which helped for them to look for our
Years later as adults both sides looked for their family that they lost in divorce and in anger. (Adults)
Both boys remembered different stories and would tell us children with much sadness in thier voices.
Luckily the cousin that came to visit was not the down line of the so unruly child of one of my Great Uncles.
That was also sad because they did not know why they left Iowa and came to CA. Thankfully our Uncle Gerald was
able to share the story of the events that caused the rift.
One was our Grandad and his brother were racing horse and horse and buggy to the house. Going over the cattle
guard one fell off the buggy and it broke his back. The other boy helped him to get to the house but his back was
broken from the Cattle Guard on the bridge. The other incident before that was the visiting of the other brother
and one of his family children doing something so sad I won't say what it was. But it was very painful and bodily
harming. That child his wife told us carried the scars to his death. NO IDEA what ever possess children to do
this type of thing. Fortunately the son with broken back shared a store with that brother and when things got
worse they left Iowa and came to California. The brother our Grandfather went to WYOMING to live with cousins.
They remained friends as best they could though of massive distance back then. Wife of cousin seriously injured
said he forgave that other brother when they grew up. Since it was a family internal event it did not involve our
side. Not the horse racing brother he stayed friends. To this day I can not remember which was on horse and whih
was on buggy. LaMnte or Carl F. Great Uncle of ours and our Grandad. The other incident was when they were much
younger and had traveled back to Iowa to see family. The boy when he grew up spent years looking for Uncle Gerald
and Dad as I & Uncle Gerald was told by cousin's wife of, to say Thanks for what you did for me.
It was implied that the one boy had serious consultations and forgave that brother his bodily harm. They actually
lived together in later life. Sadly I did not get to meet him, I did meet the wife whom shared much with us here.
The 2 boys were in a Adult home for the aged at that point. The boy with broken back lived in California and died
a much younger death due to hardship and body discomfort from back being broken. He was decesed before DAD started
to look for him sadly.
Yesterday I located the photo Don and Flora took and sent us to share with family I will poat it here. IF I can figure
Having commmunicated with the family of these people. Thankfully they overcame the worst and kept some communication.
My brother went to a reunion for the kin in CA not far from him. Cousin Don and his exteneded family from Great Uncle
Lamonte have had reunions I was hoping to attend but brother made one at least. Ray Dee Jones Jr is brother. He still
lives closer to them than I. I married a serviceman and we are settled in San Diego, CA.
Yes Don Jones was Lamonte's last born child and the thrill when family was found I can not tell you the feeling. God was
I know that Lamonte Jones had children and their names. I was told some of the grand chidlren were Highway Patrol men
that actually covered area where we lived in Sonoma Marin Co. I have talked to several of the descendants and would
truly love to meet them in person before life ends.
The same applies to those left in Iowa. What a great friendly caring group of cousins they have been in writing and
talking. I want to go see The LITTLE BTOWN CHURCH in The Dale. That GGrandfather founded. So sad Cousin Charles
Jones died before I got to meet him. I do talk to his daughters. Yes we can claim that story as fact. O yes we have
a few of them in MINN and maybe Dakota's not yet found. Luckily one lived near in Fallbrook and we have shared
times together she is now in AZ.
IF any of this story sounds familiar and you are part of this family please get in touch with me. Dad would so loved
to have known you. Susi Jones Pentico.. Dad was Ray Dee Jones Sr his Dad was Carl Fremont Jones his Dad was Calvin
Fay Jones and Hannah Young Jones. Nashua Ia area. His father was Noyes Jones and Susan Madison Jones from NY to ILL to
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Their ancestors were Teague JONES Sr and Ramanaha JONES Yarmouth Mass.