Many years ago my Foulk cousin sent me some papers she was working on for the Trowbridge Family.
I worked this line a while and then I had house remodel, genealogy put away and went back to work. I never finished
this line and thought I should use Surname Saturday's to post my lost female lines.
I was able to learn some about the husband of this lady but I know nothing about Hannah Lovely.
I have Caleb Trowbridge b 1705 died 1759 m to Jemima Keeler dau of Ralph Keeler, she was born 1713 and died also
supposedly 1759. She dies in New Fairfield, Fairfield CT. Verified data by self have sources.
Their son Keeler Trowbridge, born 1749 Fairfield, Fairfield Ct. died 1808 in NY. Some of this is agreed with on an
Ancestry tree. Keeler Trowbridge marries Hannah Lovely. They have a son (Rufus) plus others.
Rufus is reported to be born in Williamstown, Me. 1773. Dies in 1822 in Shelburne, Chittenden, CT. His wife is a Tracy.
Some of this is verified from films that the LDS Library holds on various areas of CT., VT. and NY.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Follow Friday Genea-Musings by Randy
Aha, tis Randy's day to be high lighted and commented on. Randy constantly is giving advise, sharing information on software, programs and events to other Geneabloggers.
He has some family data, some everyone data and some sound advise through out his blogging.
If you have not been there or do not subscribe maybe you would like to try it.
He has some family data, some everyone data and some sound advise through out his blogging.
If you have not been there or do not subscribe maybe you would like to try it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday's Remember Thy Pillow
I was talking to a friend/ cousin in a chat and we discussed sewing and crafts. This reminded me of the pillow I have from
Grande Riccoli, made by my Aunt Etta from Grande's bed mattress she brought to the states when she was a young married
My Aunt made pillows from the bed for all the grandkids and she had enough to include me, I was not a Grandchild, but I love
that lady like she was mine. She always was glad to see me. I think. Maybe not when I was little but I always enjoyed going to
her little house down on the dairy down the road.
Many years later in life as I was a mid aged teen I would walk next door to the St. Vincent's and visit with her in the rest home. I would take my sister with me. I believe she was near 112 or was when she died.
I never forgot how she said she was glad if she had to be alive it was her body that gave out and not her mind. She shared stories about the family and her travels with me each time I went but once when she had a pneumonia. So gave her quick kiss told her I loved her and left. She later told me it was so good to see me she had been feeling bad and quite blue.
I try to remember the older people because some day our turn may come. They are so full of information and stories and
share a different life with us.
I wonder if our Grandchildren will remember us with any where near that kind of fondness.
Back to pillow, she was from a wealthy family but they still could not afford to bring all her wedding presents to USA.
She brought little furniture but the feather bed she refused to leave behind. Actually caused quite a stir about not letting it stay in Europe. She said if she had to give up her other comforts she was going to have a soft bed.
Grande Riccoli, made by my Aunt Etta from Grande's bed mattress she brought to the states when she was a young married
My Aunt made pillows from the bed for all the grandkids and she had enough to include me, I was not a Grandchild, but I love
that lady like she was mine. She always was glad to see me. I think. Maybe not when I was little but I always enjoyed going to
her little house down on the dairy down the road.
Many years later in life as I was a mid aged teen I would walk next door to the St. Vincent's and visit with her in the rest home. I would take my sister with me. I believe she was near 112 or was when she died.
I never forgot how she said she was glad if she had to be alive it was her body that gave out and not her mind. She shared stories about the family and her travels with me each time I went but once when she had a pneumonia. So gave her quick kiss told her I loved her and left. She later told me it was so good to see me she had been feeling bad and quite blue.
I try to remember the older people because some day our turn may come. They are so full of information and stories and
share a different life with us.
I wonder if our Grandchildren will remember us with any where near that kind of fondness.
Back to pillow, she was from a wealthy family but they still could not afford to bring all her wedding presents to USA.
She brought little furniture but the feather bed she refused to leave behind. Actually caused quite a stir about not letting it stay in Europe. She said if she had to give up her other comforts she was going to have a soft bed.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday's Madness Is Almost Past Moyer
It is about to go away and try to come back on another day. Madness, frothing at the mouth, grinning from ear to ear, the day has come and about gone. The sun has set over the pacific and the clouds have been whisked away by the wind we had yesterday.
It was an outdoor day at least. It had drivers in incidents all day. There was way to much beauty out there to see.
I drove to north county region with granddaughter and we took a different route, It turned out we missed the heavy traffic that
was built up on 805. I may just may try that route again.
Since family was under the tree today, I did not do a lot of digging but found in the files we have inherited at the library a line of my family. I have no idea how they fit in this persons tree. I saw nothing in the folders to imply why. Now I sat down and read those files long ago when they first arrived so this was some I most of skipped.
So glad it is the end of another spring & cool day. So Moyer /Myer family why are you there? Maybe as we sift and shift I may find a lead.
Also my brother made it through surgery.
It was an outdoor day at least. It had drivers in incidents all day. There was way to much beauty out there to see.
I drove to north county region with granddaughter and we took a different route, It turned out we missed the heavy traffic that
was built up on 805. I may just may try that route again.
Since family was under the tree today, I did not do a lot of digging but found in the files we have inherited at the library a line of my family. I have no idea how they fit in this persons tree. I saw nothing in the folders to imply why. Now I sat down and read those files long ago when they first arrived so this was some I most of skipped.
So glad it is the end of another spring & cool day. So Moyer /Myer family why are you there? Maybe as we sift and shift I may find a lead.
Also my brother made it through surgery.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sentimental Thoughts on Family
Thoughts on the Family
Funny what a death can trigger in the mind. Do we keep track of our kin like we should? Do we talk often enough, do we at least exchange data every couple months?
It is rather weird that I had thought on this topic a few weeks ago but did not go farther now I am wondering if others that do genealogy find that we some times forget the living people. I try to keep in touch with kin often in some form or another.
I have long distant flat rate so that I can keep up with close and distant kin since we are scattered all across the USA.
It is rather quiet for us here in San Diego because other than a couple cousins, one we hardly ever hear from and our own children no one is here. I have close kin in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma & Texas. Some more distant kin and close friends in Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Texas and Georgia.
If I get into second cousins we probably have kin in every state. Some of this comes from being a military family and we traveled a lot. As did my ancestors before, almost all generations served in Wars of some nature. Our children never had a permanent home until we landed in San Diego the second time.
We lived in San Jose/Santa Clara area then Santa Rosa, Petaluma, again, then Lemoore Naval Air Station, and the town of Lemoore also, then we were in Coronado, Ca then Hawaii, then back to San Diego for all time I am slowly resigning to.
In this area we have lived in LEMON GROVE, CHULA VISTA, and SAN DIEGO and CORONADO, at various times.
My favorites were Lemon Grove, Chula Vista, Coronado and then San Diego City. The city is to big, it looses people.
I grew up in a town of 140 people and that was not counting the cows or pigs. Oh, we should not forget the chickens.
Petaluma was the Chicken Capitol of the World when I was a youngster and teen. I lived on a dairy ranch, a chicken &
dairy ranch and then our home. We lived in Marin County and then Sonoma County after we came from Wyoming.
Mom still lives in Sonoma County and she will be 90 on 29 June of this year. If you read this I am hoping you will think of her and send a card wishing her a Happy 90th Birthday. I will post the address next weekend.
Tonight I learned my brother is in the hospital with heart trouble, I am sure hoping it is not bad. They will be doing more tests on Monday. Knowing him as I do if he decided to go to the hospital it is seriously serious. At least he is in the right place if he is to have more trouble.
Mom was doing fine, His wife sounded okay over the phone when she called. He has suffered before.
So do we communicate with her close and distant relatives and friends as we should or could? I can say I love Facebook
for the ability to communicate with family in other regions and post pictures of what is happening.
I do not think some things brought up should be spoken on Facebook but I feel once they are bitten by being to forward they will learn not to do that.
Email helps for those who have email and can manipulate a computer. But bottom line is the phone line is best. One can
tell if the stress is great or little, if they are well or fatigued. Our voices can definitely give us away.
We can also share in their happy moments and times of joy. We do not have to wait for a letter a week down the road.
I like letters yes, but it sure is fun to pick up the phone and hear a daughter say. "MOM, I got a pay raise."
The excitement in the voice makes it worth the phone.
Funny what a death can trigger in the mind. Do we keep track of our kin like we should? Do we talk often enough, do we at least exchange data every couple months?
It is rather weird that I had thought on this topic a few weeks ago but did not go farther now I am wondering if others that do genealogy find that we some times forget the living people. I try to keep in touch with kin often in some form or another.
I have long distant flat rate so that I can keep up with close and distant kin since we are scattered all across the USA.
It is rather quiet for us here in San Diego because other than a couple cousins, one we hardly ever hear from and our own children no one is here. I have close kin in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma & Texas. Some more distant kin and close friends in Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Texas and Georgia.
If I get into second cousins we probably have kin in every state. Some of this comes from being a military family and we traveled a lot. As did my ancestors before, almost all generations served in Wars of some nature. Our children never had a permanent home until we landed in San Diego the second time.
We lived in San Jose/Santa Clara area then Santa Rosa, Petaluma, again, then Lemoore Naval Air Station, and the town of Lemoore also, then we were in Coronado, Ca then Hawaii, then back to San Diego for all time I am slowly resigning to.
In this area we have lived in LEMON GROVE, CHULA VISTA, and SAN DIEGO and CORONADO, at various times.
My favorites were Lemon Grove, Chula Vista, Coronado and then San Diego City. The city is to big, it looses people.
I grew up in a town of 140 people and that was not counting the cows or pigs. Oh, we should not forget the chickens.
Petaluma was the Chicken Capitol of the World when I was a youngster and teen. I lived on a dairy ranch, a chicken &
dairy ranch and then our home. We lived in Marin County and then Sonoma County after we came from Wyoming.
Mom still lives in Sonoma County and she will be 90 on 29 June of this year. If you read this I am hoping you will think of her and send a card wishing her a Happy 90th Birthday. I will post the address next weekend.
Tonight I learned my brother is in the hospital with heart trouble, I am sure hoping it is not bad. They will be doing more tests on Monday. Knowing him as I do if he decided to go to the hospital it is seriously serious. At least he is in the right place if he is to have more trouble.
Mom was doing fine, His wife sounded okay over the phone when she called. He has suffered before.
So do we communicate with her close and distant relatives and friends as we should or could? I can say I love Facebook
for the ability to communicate with family in other regions and post pictures of what is happening.
I do not think some things brought up should be spoken on Facebook but I feel once they are bitten by being to forward they will learn not to do that.
Email helps for those who have email and can manipulate a computer. But bottom line is the phone line is best. One can
tell if the stress is great or little, if they are well or fatigued. Our voices can definitely give us away.
We can also share in their happy moments and times of joy. We do not have to wait for a letter a week down the road.
I like letters yes, but it sure is fun to pick up the phone and hear a daughter say. "MOM, I got a pay raise."
The excitement in the voice makes it worth the phone.
Surnames of Lost Kin
OEN, Hannah born 1826 Germanic Region m Abraham D Young Jr. in Illinois died 29 April 1896 IOWA His second marriage
She supposedly came with two sisters to NY then ILL .
COOK, Abbey b 1739 died 1784 mar to Jesse WRIGHT who was born Pelham, Mass Nov 19, 1749 died 1784
very little data on this family. Bill West has shared some collateral information. Grandmother of Abraham D
Young Jr. above.
MADISON, Susan b 24 Mar 1818 MASS/VT ? m 1832 to Noyes JONES supposedly at Mt Holyoke, MASS( no data found)
her name may have been MATTISON, She also may have been born about 1816/14.
IS she the daughter of MOSES MATTISON and Amy Mattison of Petesburg, NY? Noyes JONES b 31 Mar 1808/9
1809 in Petersburg court records but 1808 on tombstone.
Susan dies 13 Feb 1881 in Chickasaw Co. IA. Her husband dies April 17, 1881.
I would also love a photo of Hannah Oen YOUNG, &/or Susan Madison/Mattison JONES.
She supposedly came with two sisters to NY then ILL .
COOK, Abbey b 1739 died 1784 mar to Jesse WRIGHT who was born Pelham, Mass Nov 19, 1749 died 1784
very little data on this family. Bill West has shared some collateral information. Grandmother of Abraham D
Young Jr. above.
MADISON, Susan b 24 Mar 1818 MASS/VT ? m 1832 to Noyes JONES supposedly at Mt Holyoke, MASS( no data found)
her name may have been MATTISON, She also may have been born about 1816/14.
IS she the daughter of MOSES MATTISON and Amy Mattison of Petesburg, NY? Noyes JONES b 31 Mar 1808/9
1809 in Petersburg court records but 1808 on tombstone.
Susan dies 13 Feb 1881 in Chickasaw Co. IA. Her husband dies April 17, 1881.
I would also love a photo of Hannah Oen YOUNG, &/or Susan Madison/Mattison JONES.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Following on Friday and other days also.
I think we all have our favorite sites to read. I think reading them expands our perception on how people and what people do and think while working genealogy.
Because I teach genealogy I highly recommend the following of :
Granted it may not be for beginners but I have them follow to learn the newspapers that are available and the news of when
others become available. It is a great genealogy resource tool. Thomas Kemp thank you.
I follow this one for it's reflective images of life and uplifting spirit it generates.
Stories reported on this blog are always fun to read and maybe some day we will find a link. I read some people's blogs because
they carry same names as in my program. Many of the bloggers are already my relatives of distance.
Because I teach genealogy I highly recommend the following of :
Granted it may not be for beginners but I have them follow to learn the newspapers that are available and the news of when
others become available. It is a great genealogy resource tool. Thomas Kemp thank you.
I follow this one for it's reflective images of life and uplifting spirit it generates.
Stories reported on this blog are always fun to read and maybe some day we will find a link. I read some people's blogs because
they carry same names as in my program. Many of the bloggers are already my relatives of distance.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Treasures on Thursday Aunt Etta's book
Treasures on Thursday are some of my Aunt's writing that her son salvaged after a unwelcome camper used some of them for warmth in the fireplace. She wrote often and did many poems, Reader's Digest was one of her favorite homes for her work.
She and my Dad were conspiring to write a book about their life at home. Sad they never did it while she was still well.
She always remembered the quirky events and the weirdest of things. She had a way of putting it on paper that was
always fun to read.
She also wrote a story about the ancestral family on her husband's side but done in hiding. If I had not known much of the family story from Granda Reccaoli (?) Great Grandma, I would not have recognized the story. This lady though not my Great Grandma was my cousins and I remember sharing many hours with her over the years. She was well over 100 when she died, I believe it was a decade later plus one when it was her turn to go home.
To find that my Aunt her Granddaughter in law, wrote about her was fun. Some day I should write about her voyage to America from Italy on the ship and all the things that happened to her just before her marriage and immediately after.
I treasure my feather pillow that came from her feather bed that was shipped to America in the 1890's.
So see with out my Aunt marrying my Uncle Comillo Morelli I would never have known this awesomely interesting lady and my Aunt my not have worked on the book. A true treasure.
She and my Dad were conspiring to write a book about their life at home. Sad they never did it while she was still well.
She always remembered the quirky events and the weirdest of things. She had a way of putting it on paper that was
always fun to read.
She also wrote a story about the ancestral family on her husband's side but done in hiding. If I had not known much of the family story from Granda Reccaoli (?) Great Grandma, I would not have recognized the story. This lady though not my Great Grandma was my cousins and I remember sharing many hours with her over the years. She was well over 100 when she died, I believe it was a decade later plus one when it was her turn to go home.
To find that my Aunt her Granddaughter in law, wrote about her was fun. Some day I should write about her voyage to America from Italy on the ship and all the things that happened to her just before her marriage and immediately after.
I treasure my feather pillow that came from her feather bed that was shipped to America in the 1890's.
So see with out my Aunt marrying my Uncle Comillo Morelli I would never have known this awesomely interesting lady and my Aunt my not have worked on the book. A true treasure.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, Fun day, Some day William MORROW
Monday is here, it has arrived, now where is the sun. It is not to be found. It is nice the air has moisture in it.
Would be lovely if we received a wee rain during the night. It messes up the traffic in the day hours badly.
We are awaiting our carriage to be taken away. We are excited to be going.
Monday's Madness is getting everything ready for a fresh start. I found some interesting information on one of our lines
yesterday. I was also informed the evening before of the loss of a dear cousin.
It has been hard getting used to not having him call every few days to see if we had made progress. I really sort a
bogged down with out hearing from him. Now he has gone on to his reward. His suffering is no more and I am sure he
is with his Maker. I had hoped he would get well and go home and start calling me again.
Instead I shared calls with the wife while she gave me prognosis of his situation. This has been so very hard on them.
He leaves behind daughters also, and one nephew that I am aware of.
It just has not been that long since he lost his Mom.
So here is hoping God is treating them well and will help heal the hurt. We never found the MORROW link but we did
find two other line links in our trees. We carry many of the same family stories so I suspect down the road in time
the answers will be found. This all comes from MOM's side of the tree.
He is related to my Hoffman's from my Great Great Uncle's line.
So where is my JOHN MORROW's family? He was born about 1793 unknown where, married 13 May 1820 in Wayne Co., KY
to Patience Tuttle her father being James Tuttle. She was born in Elbert GA and moved to KY with famly.
They had several children and moved to Henry Co. Iowa, and in the 1840 census there.
John disappears by 1850 from IOWA. I find one in Wayne Co. but can not determine if mine. I do not think so, think it is a cousin.
Their daughter Rebecca MORROW b June 1821 Mercer Co. KY is the connection to this man.
She marries John Scott who was also from Kentucky, Cumberland Co. area. She marries him in Iowa.
There are many trees on Ancestry but the documentation is most lacking.
Any help appreciated.
Would be lovely if we received a wee rain during the night. It messes up the traffic in the day hours badly.
We are awaiting our carriage to be taken away. We are excited to be going.
Monday's Madness is getting everything ready for a fresh start. I found some interesting information on one of our lines
yesterday. I was also informed the evening before of the loss of a dear cousin.
It has been hard getting used to not having him call every few days to see if we had made progress. I really sort a
bogged down with out hearing from him. Now he has gone on to his reward. His suffering is no more and I am sure he
is with his Maker. I had hoped he would get well and go home and start calling me again.
Instead I shared calls with the wife while she gave me prognosis of his situation. This has been so very hard on them.
He leaves behind daughters also, and one nephew that I am aware of.
It just has not been that long since he lost his Mom.
So here is hoping God is treating them well and will help heal the hurt. We never found the MORROW link but we did
find two other line links in our trees. We carry many of the same family stories so I suspect down the road in time
the answers will be found. This all comes from MOM's side of the tree.
He is related to my Hoffman's from my Great Great Uncle's line.
So where is my JOHN MORROW's family? He was born about 1793 unknown where, married 13 May 1820 in Wayne Co., KY
to Patience Tuttle her father being James Tuttle. She was born in Elbert GA and moved to KY with famly.
They had several children and moved to Henry Co. Iowa, and in the 1840 census there.
John disappears by 1850 from IOWA. I find one in Wayne Co. but can not determine if mine. I do not think so, think it is a cousin.
Their daughter Rebecca MORROW b June 1821 Mercer Co. KY is the connection to this man.
She marries John Scott who was also from Kentucky, Cumberland Co. area. She marries him in Iowa.
There are many trees on Ancestry but the documentation is most lacking.
Any help appreciated.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sentimental Sunday Our Grandson J M
Many years ago, on a warm fall day a bundle of joy entered our world. He was our second born grandson.
He has a brother three years younger, who is also working on mastering his goals.
We are so happy, that he has made it to this stage in life and has succeeded in some of his goals. We are going to
watch him receive his Bachelor Degree, Tuesday morning at California State Northridge. He is working on his
Master's Degree also.
He will be our first grandchild to graduate from a Major College, He also was our first grandchild to graduate with
an Associated Degree prior to entering Northridge.
It is an Art's Degree and he is hoping to work in the film industry as other cousins have.
My first cousin Don Morelli's son Ric Morelli worked on the film ''THE RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT". He went on to become well known in films. He worked often with Robert Redford & others. RIc Morelli has become rather well known in the film circle amongst directors and producers so we are hoping that the same will come to our grandson.
We are biased, we like what our grandson writes to make into plays or movies. I suspect down the road his brother will be writing books and be well known also for he has a penchant to do some terrific writing also.
Here he is with his MOM at his Uncle's home.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Week, It Went, I Hear It Won't Come Back
The week has gone, it is down the road and over the hill. The time has past the time has flown, where we do not know.
It seems like Sunday was Mother's Day and Mary was here and we had a great breakfast at the Waffle House, which I had never
been. After a great visit with family we took Mary to the Bus to go home for medical tests. I remember working the library in
the afternoon. Monday is a blurr and Tuesday was not much better. Ruth got the coffee pot, coffee, and added items for the
Beginners Class meeting Tuesday night and she met my husband.
Wednesday O Wednesday is a day we can not forget. Hannah was in a recital and had a solo. What a performance those young people put on. We were joined by Gary and Phyllis at the late evening hours at the library as I was talking to a young man named Jose that was studying for his CPA. Jose we wish you well. Maybe we shall see you again.
Thursday was quiet as my world was put on hold. Grandchildren and children and family tend to always come first. Hurray for the ability to realize that is the correct way. I did do an interesting class at the: .
I have grave concerns if family hides to much family back ground history, I also have concerns if some prefer to flaunt it.
There has to be a fine line between what is the correct way to handle some of the new modern things that are
more talked about in society today.
I also say how dare you attack the family for woe it may be you one day. We raise our children and we hope and pray for the
best but what determines if the family turns out on top or in the middle or way down at the bottom.
Genealogy is a study of our families, personal and medical history if your doing it correctly, in my eyes. We may save a
new born knowing what we have learned from the past. We may save our selves with the medical knowledge we learn
from our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and relatives. Prevention is a great thing to be available of.
Surely no one wants to have a child or relative with some of the horrid ailments that abound in our world today.
Some that have been so hidden that few know what causes them or how to handle or deal with them.
I remember one day when the Surgeon General stated, he wanted us to all to write up our medical history so that doctors had more information when dealing with ailments.
It makes me wonder how much faster Cancer, Heart Disease, Mental Illness and all the diseases that have gone away and now are coming back would last if we had cooperation instead of hiding the ailments.
I wonder how others feel about it. Nine people talked about this on Thursday and it was a rather revealing surprise to most of
them. We are who we are. We should always try our best but we surely will not always succeed.
So this week is gone and it will not come back but that does not mean that it won't be repeated down the road somewhere at some time by someone,maybe even myself.
It seems like Sunday was Mother's Day and Mary was here and we had a great breakfast at the Waffle House, which I had never
been. After a great visit with family we took Mary to the Bus to go home for medical tests. I remember working the library in
the afternoon. Monday is a blurr and Tuesday was not much better. Ruth got the coffee pot, coffee, and added items for the
Beginners Class meeting Tuesday night and she met my husband.
Wednesday O Wednesday is a day we can not forget. Hannah was in a recital and had a solo. What a performance those young people put on. We were joined by Gary and Phyllis at the late evening hours at the library as I was talking to a young man named Jose that was studying for his CPA. Jose we wish you well. Maybe we shall see you again.
Thursday was quiet as my world was put on hold. Grandchildren and children and family tend to always come first. Hurray for the ability to realize that is the correct way. I did do an interesting class at the: .
I have grave concerns if family hides to much family back ground history, I also have concerns if some prefer to flaunt it.
There has to be a fine line between what is the correct way to handle some of the new modern things that are
more talked about in society today.
I also say how dare you attack the family for woe it may be you one day. We raise our children and we hope and pray for the
best but what determines if the family turns out on top or in the middle or way down at the bottom.
Genealogy is a study of our families, personal and medical history if your doing it correctly, in my eyes. We may save a
new born knowing what we have learned from the past. We may save our selves with the medical knowledge we learn
from our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and relatives. Prevention is a great thing to be available of.
Surely no one wants to have a child or relative with some of the horrid ailments that abound in our world today.
Some that have been so hidden that few know what causes them or how to handle or deal with them.
I remember one day when the Surgeon General stated, he wanted us to all to write up our medical history so that doctors had more information when dealing with ailments.
It makes me wonder how much faster Cancer, Heart Disease, Mental Illness and all the diseases that have gone away and now are coming back would last if we had cooperation instead of hiding the ailments.
I wonder how others feel about it. Nine people talked about this on Thursday and it was a rather revealing surprise to most of
them. We are who we are. We should always try our best but we surely will not always succeed.
So this week is gone and it will not come back but that does not mean that it won't be repeated down the road somewhere at some time by someone,maybe even myself.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Summer and Surnames
We will be looking at some twists and turns and changes of events as we walk along life's path.
We can plan and place events into motion, Sometimes the events take on another motion with the
help of time and space.
As humans, we can not control what the other may do. We may wish we had more communicative skills to make
things run smooth but we are humans, we must give into that will.
It is a sadness when there is a sickness, there is a sickness when there is no understanding of a time warp event.
The living of one's life involves so many, we do not think of on a day by day.
As we celebrated Mother's Day, others celebrated the moving over to the other side. They probably got the
better deal. For there is all understanding and no judging by others only by ONE.
How is it when one gets a moment to breathe, they can come up saying this should happen that should happen
and it should have already happened. O my, o me that is old news to we.
My it would be nice if the events planned on that day went like a clock from beginning to end. But then, would it be
nice? What interaction would one miss along the way if the day was interrupted and took a different twist.
So with this being Monday Madness I can only say we did what we could until we could not do more. Now we are to move forward and make it happen, which i think can still be.
Things will be changed that is for sure. No one person should carry the load. We are a group and we should
remember that when invited in.
So here comes summer and surnames and places to see, hopefully with an eye to adventure and information to find.
To bring back to our family, to share with others who care, the preparations we are making and with people whom care.
We can plan and place events into motion, Sometimes the events take on another motion with the
help of time and space.
As humans, we can not control what the other may do. We may wish we had more communicative skills to make
things run smooth but we are humans, we must give into that will.
It is a sadness when there is a sickness, there is a sickness when there is no understanding of a time warp event.
The living of one's life involves so many, we do not think of on a day by day.
As we celebrated Mother's Day, others celebrated the moving over to the other side. They probably got the
better deal. For there is all understanding and no judging by others only by ONE.
How is it when one gets a moment to breathe, they can come up saying this should happen that should happen
and it should have already happened. O my, o me that is old news to we.
My it would be nice if the events planned on that day went like a clock from beginning to end. But then, would it be
nice? What interaction would one miss along the way if the day was interrupted and took a different twist.
So with this being Monday Madness I can only say we did what we could until we could not do more. Now we are to move forward and make it happen, which i think can still be.
Things will be changed that is for sure. No one person should carry the load. We are a group and we should
remember that when invited in.
So here comes summer and surnames and places to see, hopefully with an eye to adventure and information to find.
To bring back to our family, to share with others who care, the preparations we are making and with people whom care.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday Lineage on My female Line.
Hello world, I have two generations below me now, then myself, then my MOM, then we have Inez Mae SCOTT b 1892 IOWA D 1961 WYO, family was from Pittsylvania Co. VA to Ky to ILL to IA.
her MOM was Ella WARDEN she was born June 1862 we believe she died IOWA. family was from Pennsylvania area.
Ella's MOM was Mary Jane LANGDON B 1835 OHIO, died 20 DEC 1868 IOWA family from Virginia area. Montgomery Co.
Mary Jane's MOM was Artaminta BRAMMER b abt 1797 in Virginia, Her death was in Kansas. Marshall area.
Artaminta's MOM was Mary Ann LEE b 1770 Virginia died 1844 Lawrence Co. Ohio. aged 74.
Mary Ann's MOM was Francis WARD of Norfolk Va area ( per trees on Ancestry but I have not proven yet.)
Now, Francis WARD husband was John Lee b 1745 Patrick Co. VA. believe Francis is second wife.
Now who was Francis WARD's MOM and her DAD?
her MOM was Ella WARDEN she was born June 1862 we believe she died IOWA. family was from Pennsylvania area.
Ella's MOM was Mary Jane LANGDON B 1835 OHIO, died 20 DEC 1868 IOWA family from Virginia area. Montgomery Co.
Mary Jane's MOM was Artaminta BRAMMER b abt 1797 in Virginia, Her death was in Kansas. Marshall area.
Artaminta's MOM was Mary Ann LEE b 1770 Virginia died 1844 Lawrence Co. Ohio. aged 74.
Mary Ann's MOM was Francis WARD of Norfolk Va area ( per trees on Ancestry but I have not proven yet.)
Now, Francis WARD husband was John Lee b 1745 Patrick Co. VA. believe Francis is second wife.
Now who was Francis WARD's MOM and her DAD?
Happy Mother's Day MOM

Happy Mother's Day
To the best Mother, whom raised four children and was married more than 55 years to her husband,he being deceased since 1995.
She beat the odds given by the Doctors in 81. Her 90th Birthday is fast approaching.
Thanks MOM for all the things that we were exposed to, good, bad, ugly, and fun. You helped to mold us to be whom we are.
Thank You GOD for giving us this Mom.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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