Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Post Idea, Holiday's Upon Us. Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day is Thursday and I will be away from a computer so wanted to say," Please honor our veterans, one and all, old and young, sick and well, home and away".
Fred this is to say Thank You for your service to the country so your children did not have to live in fear of no food or home or parents. 25 Years you gave your all, Thank You.
Don this is for you for your time served, We all appreciate it even though siblings may not realize how important it is to serve. A different war and a different time but still helped to keep us safe and free.
To all my children's friends who have served, Mike Stacy, I think of you.Thank You and others my brain is not remembering.
To my nephew, Wayne whom served what a nasty war that was. Thank You.
To my cousins:Jerry,Ken,Ivan and Rich,Hartley,Larry, Bob, Aubie and others and their children whom have served since A BIG THANK YOU.
To my brother whom served a very nasty war with my husband and brother in law and other relatives. Thank You.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and remember this country was founded with God as it's guide.

Christmas is Coming the Geese are getting Fat
Anyone have a penny to put in the old man's hat?

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