Google+ and the Longest Hangout has been an exciting place to visit for the last several weeks.
Why you ask? Because of the knowledge the other guests have and that they share freely and willingly.
I might add also very patiently with me. You think it's my white and grey hair? No, I told them I can
talk Car Repair and lots of things but what I know about computers is basically self taught.
You can imagine my delight when I was able to share about the Flip Pal Mobile Scanner. I watched this product in use at a Seminar in Hemet in February. It is on my MUST HAVE, list.
I have found other products on the market that have most of these features but not the stitch for doing
really large documents.
I have a 1798 Land Deed that is approximately 2' x 2' 1/2. To share this with others I would need the
stitch feature.
They in turn shared with me about a Cloud for saving your information off your computer safely.
One was to be seen here and it is a La Cie product which pleases me because I have one back up
system from them and have used them in the past.
WualaTV's Channel - YouTube
This explains it far better than I can.
There are many great photographers that will share information and knowledge about camera's and
settings, and absolutely fascinating is that a cell phone can create pictures as beautiful and clear
as what has been shared with us. Mortiz those pictures were just excellent and now I am thinking
of maybe that is the type of cell phone I want instead of what I was thinking about.
I carry a camera with me everywhere. I have witnessed accidents, and seen beautiful scenes that
with camera on the shelf at home I would have missed.
These Google + people have shared about: Archeology, Astronomy, Photography, Storage
Implementations, Family Histories, time for around the world(We really need that when globally
Communicating), (, Weathermen, News reporting ( Eric Chilton), Concert
Creators(Michael Nast), and of course I must mention Johnathan, the best friend of Andy Olsen
the Google+ HangOut has. Yes, there are other moderators and all are equally as important taking
turns keeping things running smoothly around the clock. Pete, Wesley, Dan, Ashley, Mark, Phillip,
Matt, Russ and others that are there when I am not visiting and sharing.
I must not forget the great Google Translator tool.
Tools - Google Translate
I want to say a big thanks to Jason Gabriel for assisting all of us when we were tracking Hurricane
Irene north through the states with the great urls he was able to share and we could keep posted
on the happenings.
Robert K. thanks also for the explaining how to use some of the information. Maybe this next
week we can work more on genealogy. Wanda it is great to have another genealogist in sharing
in the chat.
Having shared many a link with newbies and old timers alike. Some having success and being
excited to find information they did not know was there.,, & which changes to ancestry but is the free rootsweb area).
Myself, was able to talk to a lady in lower Germany and she put a family name in a program she
had and could tell me what areas I needed to search in Germany to track that name.
Yes, she shared the link with me.
Come join us on Google+HangOut and maybe we can help you get started whether it be
Genealogy, Technology help, WebPage work, and I bet they have the knowledge to help
give you clues to start your own business, in many computer related fields.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
More Mobile Monday--- Genealogists may Love this.
WualaTV's Channel - YouTube
This may be the total answer for cloud storage and file sorting. I also note it is a LaCie producted.
Was very impressed by the presentation given last night It also encrypts the information so others can not utilize or steal it.
Do check it out in case it may help with another method of cloud storage.
WualaTV's Channel - YouTube
This may be the total answer for cloud storage and file sorting. I also note it is a LaCie producted.
Was very impressed by the presentation given last night It also encrypts the information so others can not utilize or steal it.
Do check it out in case it may help with another method of cloud storage.
Mobile Monday===Technical Stuff for Genealogists I found
Yesterday, I was so excited to learn some new programs for storage and separation of documents.
I am going to have to set and really work on this because it sounds like a genealogists dream for use.
It was shared by a business professional yesterday for us to try.
Zotero | Home
I shared the information about Flip-Pal, they had not heard of this which surprised me.
Attempted to utilize this one and not successful yet.
So today is a working on Mobile Monday.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Surname Saturday---- Found blogger's & Genealogists via Google+
As I am working on the Longest Hang Out on Google+, I have met more than 150 genealogists from around the world.
Some of these people are American's in other places. Many are peoples of other lands that speak English,
and share their knowledge with me. Some do not speak English but we use Google Translator to communicate.
It has been an exciting adventure and a major learning experience for me.
I am wanting to tell you what Iceland is doing for their country and their genealogists families.
I want to share with you the delving in Mexico and in France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,
the Netherlands, Ghana, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Russia, Poland, Cambodia, China( albeit a different name), Ireland, Scotland, England, Portugal, Palestine, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the list goes on.
Some are just starting, some have already written books and want to know about publishing. I think they are in the right place to learn about publishers. We have shared the types of programs we use whether we are P C or MaC users.
It is amazing the little countries that I have heard from doing research, Kenya and Ghana, and a couple more small countries in Africa. I can not even remember all the names.
I will share our Icelandic friends are so lucky. I will do a separate blog on what I learned about them.
Many in England and border regions of those countries, have awesome tales to tell. They share freely and
I look forward to when we may have a room for genealogists to hang out in and chat from around the
With this being the LONGEST HANGOUT on Google+ we have been on around the clock for
38 days 21 hours and 28 minutes and 54 seconds right now. There by we are meeting and greeting
people from around the world. We catch them going to bed and we catch them getting up.
I am swapping recipes with a family in Brazil. Hoping to master my Spanish pronouciation better with Sane from Mexico. Sharing lots of data with Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, England, Finland, and the list goes on.
More to come..
Some of these people are American's in other places. Many are peoples of other lands that speak English,
and share their knowledge with me. Some do not speak English but we use Google Translator to communicate.
It has been an exciting adventure and a major learning experience for me.
I am wanting to tell you what Iceland is doing for their country and their genealogists families.
I want to share with you the delving in Mexico and in France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,
the Netherlands, Ghana, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Russia, Poland, Cambodia, China( albeit a different name), Ireland, Scotland, England, Portugal, Palestine, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the list goes on.
Some are just starting, some have already written books and want to know about publishing. I think they are in the right place to learn about publishers. We have shared the types of programs we use whether we are P C or MaC users.
It is amazing the little countries that I have heard from doing research, Kenya and Ghana, and a couple more small countries in Africa. I can not even remember all the names.
I will share our Icelandic friends are so lucky. I will do a separate blog on what I learned about them.
Many in England and border regions of those countries, have awesome tales to tell. They share freely and
I look forward to when we may have a room for genealogists to hang out in and chat from around the
With this being the LONGEST HANGOUT on Google+ we have been on around the clock for
38 days 21 hours and 28 minutes and 54 seconds right now. There by we are meeting and greeting
people from around the world. We catch them going to bed and we catch them getting up.
I am swapping recipes with a family in Brazil. Hoping to master my Spanish pronouciation better with Sane from Mexico. Sharing lots of data with Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, England, Finland, and the list goes on.
More to come..
Friday, August 26, 2011
Follow Friday 2 New blogs to follow
We want to Network with you!
This is another one with great short posts that are full of information.
Those Places Thursday Waynesburg, PA
A Trip of a Lifetime
A trip of a lifetime it so far, has become. I was planning five year spaces in between visits.
Now I would have to come for six months to make up the difference and so many great cousins
have gone across the divide.
It was a whirlwind 2+ weeks and shared amongst genealogists, newly met friends, and found distant
Some of these people I had talked to for years on the phone, corresponded by mail with and started doing computer talk with.
Mildred Russell, and her two sisters were most gracious and interesting. I only met Kate in real life.
Mildred and I talked for hours some times about family. She died before I could arrive at her home.
Eva Patterson, Jacob Huffman and Kate, married to Ray Santee, were fun to share stories with and time.
We wandered through photographs and memory lane, several different days. A great side story came
from one of our evening visits.
I had to make a choice talk to the living information access or dig in more terrific books in their Library.
It was not even a choice. Ruth you and your husband were an absolutely joy to share time with. I see you sharing and caring at the Library. I am sorry that Howard is not with us any more.
Between the hospitality of cousin Helen Durbin and Eva Patterson I was able to stay long enough to really get to understand their ways of life and how the past had been.
The funny thing was, they kept saying I must have been there before because my language and manners
matched theirs. My Grandfather spoke the same way as did my Mom. Some things I guess are a bit
ingrained. We laughed at how 100 years did not break the chain. Grandad had been brought here
when he was five with his father Franklin Hoffman. His father was Sanford.
We shared cocoa and cookies and banana bread, home made of course, until 4:30 a m one morning.
We swapped many stories that ran along the same veins even if not in the same state.
My were they amazed I knew what bread and milk dessert was. Mom did not let us children put coffee in it but I still have a cup at night once in a long while.
The foods were the same and most recipes were constant. Pretty amazing I think that the family kept a grasp on their lineage enough to not alter recipes and change stories to make more glamourous or less.
Another side bar was a cousin in San Diego came into the library on one of those days there and
we did not even know of each other before then.
Vicki Porter Adams, Thanks for all the encouraging words to go see this country and meet kin. You were a true friend and an awesome cousin. I miss our late night adventures.
I got to meet LLoyd Roupe and many other relatives that were related to me. I can not say enough for the genealogist that helped me to gain access to the great documents and data that I as able to retrieve.
That is also another story. Will share more names and places and faces soon.
A trip of a lifetime it so far, has become. I was planning five year spaces in between visits.
Now I would have to come for six months to make up the difference and so many great cousins
have gone across the divide.
It was a whirlwind 2+ weeks and shared amongst genealogists, newly met friends, and found distant
Some of these people I had talked to for years on the phone, corresponded by mail with and started doing computer talk with.
Mildred Russell, and her two sisters were most gracious and interesting. I only met Kate in real life.
Mildred and I talked for hours some times about family. She died before I could arrive at her home.
Eva Patterson, Jacob Huffman and Kate, married to Ray Santee, were fun to share stories with and time.
We wandered through photographs and memory lane, several different days. A great side story came
from one of our evening visits.
I had to make a choice talk to the living information access or dig in more terrific books in their Library.
It was not even a choice. Ruth you and your husband were an absolutely joy to share time with. I see you sharing and caring at the Library. I am sorry that Howard is not with us any more.
Between the hospitality of cousin Helen Durbin and Eva Patterson I was able to stay long enough to really get to understand their ways of life and how the past had been.
The funny thing was, they kept saying I must have been there before because my language and manners
matched theirs. My Grandfather spoke the same way as did my Mom. Some things I guess are a bit
ingrained. We laughed at how 100 years did not break the chain. Grandad had been brought here
when he was five with his father Franklin Hoffman. His father was Sanford.
We shared cocoa and cookies and banana bread, home made of course, until 4:30 a m one morning.
We swapped many stories that ran along the same veins even if not in the same state.
My were they amazed I knew what bread and milk dessert was. Mom did not let us children put coffee in it but I still have a cup at night once in a long while.
The foods were the same and most recipes were constant. Pretty amazing I think that the family kept a grasp on their lineage enough to not alter recipes and change stories to make more glamourous or less.
Another side bar was a cousin in San Diego came into the library on one of those days there and
we did not even know of each other before then.
Vicki Porter Adams, Thanks for all the encouraging words to go see this country and meet kin. You were a true friend and an awesome cousin. I miss our late night adventures.
I got to meet LLoyd Roupe and many other relatives that were related to me. I can not say enough for the genealogist that helped me to gain access to the great documents and data that I as able to retrieve.
That is also another story. Will share more names and places and faces soon.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday Madness, Tuesday Scramble and Wednesday not Wordless
Monday Madness was the receiving of some awesome news on the HUFFMAN -HOFFMAN lineage.
I think they have found John 's Will, the father of John, George, Henry, Margaret, Mary and others.
Now to stay calm until it arrives that is the madness part.
Tuesday's news was just as enticing, more information on my HOFFMAN-HUFFMAN lineage.
I listen to the young ones who say they can not wait, they want instant gratification and I remember
writing a letter, sending in the mail with stamps and envelope for reply and waiting and waiting.
The computer can spoil one. But obviously more data has surfaced on this family. I also have
learned to look deeper and trust intuitiveness when doing research. I used to toss it out as rubbish.
I did an evaluation of the ways I have successfully gotten information. Ironically, hard work always pays
off in some form sooner or later. But checking my files says that intuitiveness has given me more
results than average probably.
It is like when the hairs on my arms stand up, I know something is up. When I go researching at the
libraries, I have a goal in mind and try to stick to it. But sometimes an aisle calls or a book says "Check
Me." It is interesting that I always come up with something not expected.
Do you think my ancestors are speaking to me? I absolutely do believe that. Hank JonesI need to send
you more stories.
Wordless Wednesday it is not because today, I found some of the older generation of family and
even had someone that offered to copy and send me some Wills. I told her I owe her a steak dinner.
She did not want payment.
Wondering if my blogging on them woke them up to help me.??????
I think they have found John 's Will, the father of John, George, Henry, Margaret, Mary and others.
Now to stay calm until it arrives that is the madness part.
Tuesday's news was just as enticing, more information on my HOFFMAN-HUFFMAN lineage.
I listen to the young ones who say they can not wait, they want instant gratification and I remember
writing a letter, sending in the mail with stamps and envelope for reply and waiting and waiting.
The computer can spoil one. But obviously more data has surfaced on this family. I also have
learned to look deeper and trust intuitiveness when doing research. I used to toss it out as rubbish.
I did an evaluation of the ways I have successfully gotten information. Ironically, hard work always pays
off in some form sooner or later. But checking my files says that intuitiveness has given me more
results than average probably.
It is like when the hairs on my arms stand up, I know something is up. When I go researching at the
libraries, I have a goal in mind and try to stick to it. But sometimes an aisle calls or a book says "Check
Me." It is interesting that I always come up with something not expected.
Do you think my ancestors are speaking to me? I absolutely do believe that. Hank JonesI need to send
you more stories.
Wordless Wednesday it is not because today, I found some of the older generation of family and
even had someone that offered to copy and send me some Wills. I told her I owe her a steak dinner.
She did not want payment.
Wondering if my blogging on them woke them up to help me.??????
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Surname Saturday-----Sanford Hoffman born Huffman
Sanford HOFFMAN was born 24 Nov 1834. Greene Co., Pennsylvania. We are know he lived in the Aleppo area. Parents: Henry HUFFMAN/HOFFMAN and Elizabeth HIGGINS HOFFMAN.
He served in the Civil War, a West Virginia unit with is brother. He worked as a lay minister during the war according to family letters. He did the same when he moved to IOWA.
He married Rachel Plants, daughter of George Plants b1803 -1887 & Catherine Stollar Plants. (Plantz)
Rachel was born 25 October 1836 in Greene Co., PA.
Their first child Priscilla b 1858 d 1862, is buried at Windy Gap Cemetery, Aleppo, PA near her Grandparents, two Aunts and 1 Uncle, and several cousins. This cemetery has much of the family in it. Though I have not been able to connect all the names to this family. I have pictures of most of this Cemetery. I run out of film on the last 12 stones.
He was of the United Brethern Faith in Pennsylvania and worked as farmer and lay minister.
According to his letters he was in Ft. Laramie, Wyo for part of the war. That is how he knew he wanted to move to Iowa after the war. He had to pass through it on the way there and back ( noted in a letter by him).
My direct line Franklin Cornelius Hoffman walked behind the wagon herding the cows and with a dog when they came to Iowa.
Rachel Plants HOFFMAN. Sanford's wife. His cousin married her sister, and ties us to the HECK's that are my husband's life long friend and childhood, neighbor. See how small the world becomes.
He served in the Civil War, a West Virginia unit with is brother. He worked as a lay minister during the war according to family letters. He did the same when he moved to IOWA.
He married Rachel Plants, daughter of George Plants b1803 -1887 & Catherine Stollar Plants. (Plantz)
Rachel was born 25 October 1836 in Greene Co., PA.
Their first child Priscilla b 1858 d 1862, is buried at Windy Gap Cemetery, Aleppo, PA near her Grandparents, two Aunts and 1 Uncle, and several cousins. This cemetery has much of the family in it. Though I have not been able to connect all the names to this family. I have pictures of most of this Cemetery. I run out of film on the last 12 stones.
He was of the United Brethern Faith in Pennsylvania and worked as farmer and lay minister.
According to his letters he was in Ft. Laramie, Wyo for part of the war. That is how he knew he wanted to move to Iowa after the war. He had to pass through it on the way there and back ( noted in a letter by him).
My direct line Franklin Cornelius Hoffman walked behind the wagon herding the cows and with a dog when they came to Iowa.

Rachel Plants HOFFMAN. Sanford's wife. His cousin married her sister, and ties us to the HECK's that are my husband's life long friend and childhood, neighbor. See how small the world becomes.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Follow Friday -----More Huffman/Hoffman Report
More Huffman/ Hoffman Report
Having left in the middle of the story some non identified people I thought I should add them here.
Henry Huffman dcd winter 1811 probate 1812 Jan had marriage to Mary Prather/Provator, she had a child.
A female. Many think she is first husband's child but there is mini data out there that she is Henry's daughter. They even had a major situation over land when she was an adult. Which was before he died.
After the parting of the ways between Henry and Mary he went to the Berkeley VA area and found a new woman to start a family with. ( that topic is a story of it's own.)
Catherine (Catrouch) Fry became his consort and these children were born in VA: Nancy whom mar a Stewart, Phillip 1784 VA, female, Jacob 1797,
born in Pennsylvania Joseph b 1801( Helen's line), m Sarah Hunt
Henry b1803 (my line) m Elizabeth HIggins da of Joseph Higgins and Mary Henderson(?)Higgins
female, Reason m to Mary Jewell1805. We believe we are missing at least one more daughter.( another story)
Abraham Fry is Catrouch father. Family implies her mother was Indian and there for no marriage record to be found. ( I have not delved into this matter yet).
So we know he had two families proven. Rumor implied he had earlier family before Mary P.Total conjecture at this point in my files. But his age implies it was very possible.
Also the area was originally known as Westmoreland Co when the first records of them being in area surface. This was later changed to Washington Co when it was created. Again at the creation of Greene
County the family is now in another area. Yes they moved around with in these earlier areas.
I have a land Deed with JOHN HOFFMAN on it in my possession. This being as near as my studies tell me would have to be the father, not the son John. It is a very large document, very old, very brittle almost.
Henry's brother George died a few years later and they both owned land in Ohio at the time of their deaths.
It is believed that the brother Jacob had land in Ohio and was already living there. not proven.
Nancy, Philip, Jacob(?) all had moved to Ohio by the 1820's. Remembering this land was now in full possession of the Pennsylvanians and they did not want to live in PA and were true Virginians.
Many of their cousins had already moved into Ohio and some into Kentucky.
If you think you may be related via: HUFFMAN, HOFFMAN, STEWART, HENDERSON,
PLEASE DO CONTACT ME. Our Family Histories
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Those Places Thursday Hoffman-Huffman VA MD PA
Those Places Thursday
Hoffman a form of Huffman, Houghman/Hufmen etc. This name obviously came from Germanic Region of the world. Our's came fairly early by some standards.
First thing to remember is the spelling HUFFMAN did not exist in Germanic region of the world until after the 1800's. Much later really than early 1800's.
Henry whose picture you seen in the post before wrote, he learned via his son ( via school) that the spelling Huffman did not exist in Germany the spelling was HOFFMAN. Some areas the spelling was HOFFMANN.
For my part of this great name I have not found a related HOFFMANN yet but spelling is not everything in doing research.
Ironically, having down a YDNA of this marvelous name we have not found other Hoffman - Huffman researches that have had their YDNA done that match.
Many years ago Germanna Colony contacted me thinking we were their missing link. I often wondered if that was the case but was unable to follow up at that time.
Now to fire up the old computer and look at all the files, 100's of files on Huffman/Hoffman. It is really probably thousands of files. I have books written by various down line collateral cousins on my shelf. I have a couple of CD's also.
What I do know is Those Places have created an adventure of travel on line, by book, by phone, by car, by plane to find the answers.
I found doing my research on the west coast, brought up discrepancies on the east coast already believed accurate linages. Much published in many books as fact, and later learned by Wills, Deeds, Probates, Bibles and Cemetery Data to be a little shy of total truth. Family stories over time tend to get wrinkles in them at times.
I believe when you hear a family story you should immediately write it down. Listen to see if others promote the same and then set out to prove or disprove. For when I started( I did not have those stories by being raised on the west coast) away from the home stomping grounds for many generations.
By learning land laws I could prove Henry Huffman was not of the age many implied. Must be 18 to own land in Virginia. George was his brother not his father. Both men left this area of where land transaction took place and moved to other regions of the land. Henry sold that land in 1805 as a resident of Greene Co Pa.
This Henry HUFFMAN was my Henry Huffman (changed to Hoffman)'s father. I wish I had a picture of the senior Henry, but so grateful to have two pictures of Henry b 1803 one younger one older both
also have had Elizabeth's picture taken also
Sr Henry Huffman died winter of 1811. Probate records were Jan 1812, Greene Co PA. A tax receipt says he was born in Maryland. I have found nothing more to clarify that except that there was a
major Huffman estate that straddled the Potomoc River, which olde timers referred to as homestead.
He lived in Morris township for a period of time and suspect he is buried there because his wife married
what was his neighbor Frederick Loughman about 1815-1818. Still looking for marriage records.
This Henry Huffman I have not found one yet.
He was first married to Mary Pravotor (PRATHER) though we think married to someone in Va before the marriage here in PA. conjecture still. 1 child a daughter,
Much dispute over her parentage. Calendars help to settle some of the dispute.
Henry had brother's John, George, Jacob and we believe Peter. John Loos wife Margaret is probably one of his sisters or she was an Aunt.
I have found that Rudolph is probably a cousin if not a brother. I hope a YDNA test is done because they carry the same genetic traits we do in our lines proven back to 1712.
Henry was in Greene Co as a Frontier Ranger in the 1770's and 17780's, possibly before then. He served in the Rev War under two different units. At the time of Mildred's Russell's death she had in her possession his musket, his Rev War Hat and a bible. When things were auctioned off with out the Will being found and I was not notified of her death to tell them where to find it. Much of this was lost. I did not get a call until her sister took sick and needed help.
The musket, hat and bible disappeared. The bible was to go to me. She had many bibles of various family members and they sat and tore pages out of the Bibles because the aucioneer was going to auction them off. I won't talk about that person. It broke my heart. I wonder if the Musket still where she had put it. This is first hand information I received when I arrived in Greene Co in the early 1990's.
A cousin found a letter in his Great Aunt's trunk in Ohio that stated John was these boys father and his father's name was also John. I have read that letter and can put you in touch with the holder there of.
I believe it was dated about 1832 or 1838.
So this family has been in many places in the Mid Atlantic region and my family migrated to Iowa then Wyo and then west over a period of time.
But not all Huffman's did. :>)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wordless Wednesday-(not)-----Henry HOFFMAN- Elizabeth H.
This is an early picture of Henry and Elizabeth Higgins HOFFMAN. Henry was born and went to school using the name Huffman as the family had done for several years. But many years later, a child of his came home from school with information that HUFFMAN did not exist in Germany and the correct spelling was HOFFMAN. He immediately changed his spelling to be able to get just his mail, not his cousins, nephews and other relatives using same name in his area. I have copy of letter in my files.
Henry was born 29 October 1803 in Greene Co. Pennsylvania, his father was Henry HUFFMAN mother Catrouch FRY(Catherine).
Elizabeth Higgins was born 16 May 1809 supposedly Greene Co. PA her father Joseph HIGGINS
mother probably was Mary HENDERSON. partial proven would love more data.
Henry and Elizabeth moved around a bit within the county. Henry was raised in the northern area near Washington Co. and they was in Aleppo area the last years.
Her father was near West Virginia border, sorta flexing back and forth.
Henry died 15 Sept 1879 Aleppo, Greene Co. PA He designed a spiral staircase never used before that stood until 1992. I have the newspaper clipping. It was a freestanding staircase. He lists himself a farmer on the census, But if you read his letters, he build barns, bridges, churches, houses and this unique
She is a descendant of Richard Higgins from England and a descendant of Pocahantus through the Stout line married into the Higgins line.
Married 9 April 1826 Greene Co. Pennsylvania
The parents of 14 living (known) children. 2 died very young. I descend from the son Sanford
Henry was born 29 October 1803 in Greene Co. Pennsylvania, his father was Henry HUFFMAN mother Catrouch FRY(Catherine).
Elizabeth Higgins was born 16 May 1809 supposedly Greene Co. PA her father Joseph HIGGINS
mother probably was Mary HENDERSON. partial proven would love more data.
Henry and Elizabeth moved around a bit within the county. Henry was raised in the northern area near Washington Co. and they was in Aleppo area the last years.
Her father was near West Virginia border, sorta flexing back and forth.
Henry died 15 Sept 1879 Aleppo, Greene Co. PA He designed a spiral staircase never used before that stood until 1992. I have the newspaper clipping. It was a freestanding staircase. He lists himself a farmer on the census, But if you read his letters, he build barns, bridges, churches, houses and this unique
She is a descendant of Richard Higgins from England and a descendant of Pocahantus through the Stout line married into the Higgins line.
Married 9 April 1826 Greene Co. Pennsylvania
The parents of 14 living (known) children. 2 died very young. I descend from the son Sanford
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Mondays Mix --Tuesday Fix
Monday's Mix, Hopefully it will be a Tuesday Fix.
I posted a dilemma on the FOLK FOULK etc lineage. A cousin quickly responded with data to clear up some of the confusion now if the other researchers work with us maybe we can get the rest of the links straightened out. I have some data to share with others also.
I did most of the data search in the days before computers. Lots of actual paper files: Land, Will, Church, family letters etc.
So my day of Mix slowly becomes a Tuesday Fix. Nance I think your line is in book Betsey sent me.
I have to take time to sort and realign that data with our data to verify. It will take some time.
So today seems fine.
Also attended the CVGS Picnic at the Bonita Library. Highland Games were played and Linda Seaver won. Then I visited Virginia and she is doing well, Rehab is working.
Came home to a great BBQ Steak dinner and worked more on this Folk-Foulk- Fulk- Faulk
I posted a dilemma on the FOLK FOULK etc lineage. A cousin quickly responded with data to clear up some of the confusion now if the other researchers work with us maybe we can get the rest of the links straightened out. I have some data to share with others also.
I did most of the data search in the days before computers. Lots of actual paper files: Land, Will, Church, family letters etc.
So my day of Mix slowly becomes a Tuesday Fix. Nance I think your line is in book Betsey sent me.
I have to take time to sort and realign that data with our data to verify. It will take some time.
So today seems fine.
Also attended the CVGS Picnic at the Bonita Library. Highland Games were played and Linda Seaver won. Then I visited Virginia and she is doing well, Rehab is working.
Came home to a great BBQ Steak dinner and worked more on this Folk-Foulk- Fulk- Faulk
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Surname Saturday----FOLK-- FOULK --FULK--FAULK
I have John FOLK dcd 1793 in Greenwich, Berks, PA, US
b 1740 PA American GEnealogical- Biographical Index vol 56 pg 89
He also served in Rev War. In Pa Archives Series.
I have his Will and names of his children if Will is inclusive.
John married Mary Magdeline STROCK in Philadelphia ? 1765? in box have to retrieve data from box. Was in a marriage book for Pennsylvania.
Side Bar: Mary Magdline had a brother Philip STROCK who lived in Cumberland Co. PA at the time of her marriage and some people say she was born in Cumberland Co. PA. So how come she was in Philadelphia and met John is an un answered question.
She shows in Tyrone Cumberland Co PA after John's death. They did live in Berks Co. PA.
We surmise not yet proven that Peter FOLK was John FOLK's father. John had several siblings we are still tracking down. I think a cousin in Philadelphia sent me a book that has more answers to the puzzle.'
Just need to prove the link.
Their son Peter FOLK /FOULK Sr b June 1773*
dies 4 April 1823 Rye Township, Perry Co. PA. ( old Cumberland Co. area)
Peter's Will p 97 vol A Perry Co. PA
Wife Catherine OHLINGER(?) Indian
b 12 July 1774 Bucks Bucks Co PA.
d 7 June 1855 Rye, Perry Co. PA, US
Proven list of children:
Sarah Elizabeth (Jane)*
Peter Jr.* and Sarah Elizabeth* are both my ancestors.
Peter b 25 Jan 1803 Perry Co. PA marries Susan (Susanah)Martin SHOWALTER b 9 Dec 1805/6
Martindale, Lancaster Co. PA
Peter dies 13 Aug 1885 age 82 Susanah as family knew her died 3 May 1886 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co. IA, US
Sarah Elizabeth (Jane) b 28 July 1813 Perry Co. PA, US dies 21 Mar 1860
Sarah (Jane) marries John MYERS who was born in Dauphin Co. PA ( birth not conclusive for date)
Bible has one record but it is not written in the first hand. church records say earlier. The earlier date
makes sense of the mess but not proven.
It is suspected when John dies suddenly in Illinois that family came together at death and added data to the Bible pages from memory. He died of lightening strike hoeing his onion field. Only been in ILL
a short time. Some children still lived in PA.
These two lines married a MYERS and a FOULK. The Myers Mother was a FOULK.
Reading the trees on Ancestry and WORLD drive me crazy. One can not source by using someone elses tree. Census, Will, Land, probate, Bible records work.
It also looks like we interlink again with kin that must be interrelated in Somerset Co. PA because
Grandma's Grandfather was born there as they came to ILL then IA.
Betsy I am sure wanting to find the link between the book and the family. With my files you can see the
potential for being kin. I wish we hadn't of lost Jean she was so sharp on some of these.
Carolyn we have some problems popping up in some of the researches work. NO it is not my fault but
it can sure create people to go off in wrong directions, so hope can resolve.
Remember the book at LDS I told you about years ago. Betsey sent me book that seems to show
how they went there but this one does not go back as far as the one at LDS did.
FOULK FOLK FAULK FULK researchers in PA VA MD OH ILL IA etc a very big chance we are same family. Our line is PA to OH, ILL and IA and WYO, CA, AZ and all over.
We know one brother went to MD was killed and another brother went each fall to take
goods to his surviving family. I have story but do not want to share all here.
Betsey's book she shared shows this line. At least the way I read it, it is same line have to find that note.
b 1740 PA American GEnealogical- Biographical Index vol 56 pg 89
He also served in Rev War. In Pa Archives Series.
I have his Will and names of his children if Will is inclusive.
John married Mary Magdeline STROCK in Philadelphia ? 1765? in box have to retrieve data from box. Was in a marriage book for Pennsylvania.
Side Bar: Mary Magdline had a brother Philip STROCK who lived in Cumberland Co. PA at the time of her marriage and some people say she was born in Cumberland Co. PA. So how come she was in Philadelphia and met John is an un answered question.
She shows in Tyrone Cumberland Co PA after John's death. They did live in Berks Co. PA.
We surmise not yet proven that Peter FOLK was John FOLK's father. John had several siblings we are still tracking down. I think a cousin in Philadelphia sent me a book that has more answers to the puzzle.'
Just need to prove the link.
Their son Peter FOLK /FOULK Sr b June 1773*
dies 4 April 1823 Rye Township, Perry Co. PA. ( old Cumberland Co. area)
Peter's Will p 97 vol A Perry Co. PA
Wife Catherine OHLINGER(?) Indian
b 12 July 1774 Bucks Bucks Co PA.
d 7 June 1855 Rye, Perry Co. PA, US
Proven list of children:
Sarah Elizabeth (Jane)*
Peter Jr.* and Sarah Elizabeth* are both my ancestors.
Peter b 25 Jan 1803 Perry Co. PA marries Susan (Susanah)Martin SHOWALTER b 9 Dec 1805/6
Martindale, Lancaster Co. PA
Peter dies 13 Aug 1885 age 82 Susanah as family knew her died 3 May 1886 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co. IA, US
Sarah Elizabeth (Jane) b 28 July 1813 Perry Co. PA, US dies 21 Mar 1860
Sarah (Jane) marries John MYERS who was born in Dauphin Co. PA ( birth not conclusive for date)
Bible has one record but it is not written in the first hand. church records say earlier. The earlier date
makes sense of the mess but not proven.
It is suspected when John dies suddenly in Illinois that family came together at death and added data to the Bible pages from memory. He died of lightening strike hoeing his onion field. Only been in ILL
a short time. Some children still lived in PA.
These two lines married a MYERS and a FOULK. The Myers Mother was a FOULK.
Reading the trees on Ancestry and WORLD drive me crazy. One can not source by using someone elses tree. Census, Will, Land, probate, Bible records work.
It also looks like we interlink again with kin that must be interrelated in Somerset Co. PA because
Grandma's Grandfather was born there as they came to ILL then IA.
Betsy I am sure wanting to find the link between the book and the family. With my files you can see the
potential for being kin. I wish we hadn't of lost Jean she was so sharp on some of these.
Carolyn we have some problems popping up in some of the researches work. NO it is not my fault but
it can sure create people to go off in wrong directions, so hope can resolve.
Remember the book at LDS I told you about years ago. Betsey sent me book that seems to show
how they went there but this one does not go back as far as the one at LDS did.
FOULK FOLK FAULK FULK researchers in PA VA MD OH ILL IA etc a very big chance we are same family. Our line is PA to OH, ILL and IA and WYO, CA, AZ and all over.
We know one brother went to MD was killed and another brother went each fall to take
goods to his surviving family. I have story but do not want to share all here.
Betsey's book she shared shows this line. At least the way I read it, it is same line have to find that note.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Follow Friday ------Google +
Working with a Genealogist, Computer programers and others and learning lots of interesting things
in Google+ chat.
Google + is going to really be an assistant to genealogists everywhere.
I have had interactive contact with people from so many countries and so many of them into
learning about how to do their genealogy.
This evening prior to the Blogger Radio Show I spoke with a man and his wife from Iceland.
He shared a beautiful song and it's translation with us. He has his family back four generations but is
going to be working on his other side soon. He shared this awesome sight with us for
Icelandic Genealogists to use. Because the country is small they can do YDNA and have it
on line under a secure code for family researchers to see. He says he will write up a mini article on
the link and what it holds. Because it ties to their SS number and personal data to enter I could only see main page. But Icelanders that moved away can learn much about their country. Contact me for more
Having shared chatting time with people from Brazil. Argentina, Peru, Chili, various areas of Mexico
we have learned more about some of the places to look for information.
We have chatted with people from Barbados, Puerto Rico, and other islands off of South America.
I have shared chat with Liam from Ireland and Jacob from Scotland and Sane (female) from
Mexico. She teaches school. Many of the people whom come onto the site are educators or
computer savvy or technical people.
Moritz has his own company in Germany and speaks awesome English. Would love to speak a tenth
as good of German as he does English. Ditto for the gentleman from Scotland with an awesomely
great sounding brogue.
Oh, yes I have met men and women from Italy, Pakistan, Kurdistan, Ethiopia, Israel, Turkey, China,
Japan. Great chatting with the people in Australia and New Zealand.
I am sharing food recipes with a man and his family in Brazil. Very tasty I must say. It seems their food
really is not that different from ours.
I have met teachers from almost all these countries or computer people of some form. Yes, it is exciting
to learn how many people around the world can speak English well enough we can understand them.'
It tells me what I have always thought that our children should be learning a second language from grammar school forward. If other countries can do it so can we.
Having been with the longest HangOut on Record it has been very educational.
What I like about it, is the circles. For Genealogists than can be like a file cabinet or note book or sleeve where you separate the names into folders. Family members of the Smiths in one circle, researchers of Canada another circle, or break it down closer to ie Toronto.
Clubs and societies can break it into board members, working groups, and members on the whole.
I have already met two new cousins doing this, met a new acquaintance from San Diego and many from all over the USA. Texas, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, California
and Maine.
in Google+ chat.
Google + is going to really be an assistant to genealogists everywhere.
I have had interactive contact with people from so many countries and so many of them into
learning about how to do their genealogy.
This evening prior to the Blogger Radio Show I spoke with a man and his wife from Iceland.
He shared a beautiful song and it's translation with us. He has his family back four generations but is
going to be working on his other side soon. He shared this awesome sight with us for
Icelandic Genealogists to use. Because the country is small they can do YDNA and have it
on line under a secure code for family researchers to see. He says he will write up a mini article on
the link and what it holds. Because it ties to their SS number and personal data to enter I could only see main page. But Icelanders that moved away can learn much about their country. Contact me for more
Having shared chatting time with people from Brazil. Argentina, Peru, Chili, various areas of Mexico
we have learned more about some of the places to look for information.
We have chatted with people from Barbados, Puerto Rico, and other islands off of South America.
I have shared chat with Liam from Ireland and Jacob from Scotland and Sane (female) from
Mexico. She teaches school. Many of the people whom come onto the site are educators or
computer savvy or technical people.
Moritz has his own company in Germany and speaks awesome English. Would love to speak a tenth
as good of German as he does English. Ditto for the gentleman from Scotland with an awesomely
great sounding brogue.
Oh, yes I have met men and women from Italy, Pakistan, Kurdistan, Ethiopia, Israel, Turkey, China,
Japan. Great chatting with the people in Australia and New Zealand.
I am sharing food recipes with a man and his family in Brazil. Very tasty I must say. It seems their food
really is not that different from ours.
I have met teachers from almost all these countries or computer people of some form. Yes, it is exciting
to learn how many people around the world can speak English well enough we can understand them.'
It tells me what I have always thought that our children should be learning a second language from grammar school forward. If other countries can do it so can we.
Having been with the longest HangOut on Record it has been very educational.
What I like about it, is the circles. For Genealogists than can be like a file cabinet or note book or sleeve where you separate the names into folders. Family members of the Smiths in one circle, researchers of Canada another circle, or break it down closer to ie Toronto.
Clubs and societies can break it into board members, working groups, and members on the whole.
I have already met two new cousins doing this, met a new acquaintance from San Diego and many from all over the USA. Texas, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, California
and Maine.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Thankful Thursday-- Those Places Thursday -- all in one.
Thankful Thursday with Those Places Thursday all wrapped up in one.
Last night my brother went into heart surgery and he is still with us today. This is not his first time.
I am thankful that he is still with us.
I am thankful for the parents I had and they way they raised me to look at things in life. Dad was
always saying God is with you everywhere so you do not have to be in a Church to talk to him.
Dad knew the Priests from Boys Town in Nebraska and they had a great influence on his life.
At least, that is what I attribute his way of thinking to. He had a very rough life as a small child and
they went hungary many times. Shoes were a luxury he used to tell me.
Mom was always stepping up to help a neighbor, whether they were close or farther away.
We fixed many a meal for people in need. I learned to care also by doing housework for those
in need in their homes, prior to that we went together. I met my life long friend by
doing this and have never regretted what it taught me or having been able to meet Darlene.
My parents were involved in community events. Dad was a volunteer Firefighter for the area we lived.
I was taught what to do when old enough. Our community relied on each other to survive because we
did not have access to things people in a city would have. Both parents taught 4-H classes. Dad also
worked with the FFA(Future Farmers of America). He took my cousin east for a major event when
cousins father could not go.
Though Mom did not work drawing a salary until much later in life she always was helping someone.
Many times making sandwiches at school was less work than the things done for neighbors with no
The home they build still stands in my heart and the house shows the loss of them. The love they
shared and cared about used to echo in the walls of our home.
Knowing the house was build many years after the barn was (1854), it was a one bedroom house
home with two pantries on the back. No bath until we moved in and Dad put it in. The room was
there just not utilized. A small add on bedroom was on the south side, the kitchen and dining area was
one with stairs to the attic to sleep on side of the kitchen wall. One closet about 4 x 5 feet to the ceiling
shelves to utilize in hall to the non bathroom until I helped Dad run the plumping and the lines for
indoor bathroom. I loved the attic. It was completed finished with redwood boards and what I called
my special place. Funny how Mom always thought I liked the bedroom I shared with Sis the best but
that was never true. That bedroom was open to everyone and not private or semi private at all.
So I am Thankful for my parents and what they tried to instill in me and the home (house) that I was
raised in.
O, how I wish I had a picture of Dad tossing his hat in the door with a big cheshire grin on his face
when he thought he had irritated Mom. The look in her eyes would melt and then life moved on.
Last night my brother went into heart surgery and he is still with us today. This is not his first time.
I am thankful that he is still with us.
I am thankful for the parents I had and they way they raised me to look at things in life. Dad was
always saying God is with you everywhere so you do not have to be in a Church to talk to him.
Dad knew the Priests from Boys Town in Nebraska and they had a great influence on his life.
At least, that is what I attribute his way of thinking to. He had a very rough life as a small child and
they went hungary many times. Shoes were a luxury he used to tell me.
Mom was always stepping up to help a neighbor, whether they were close or farther away.
We fixed many a meal for people in need. I learned to care also by doing housework for those
in need in their homes, prior to that we went together. I met my life long friend by
doing this and have never regretted what it taught me or having been able to meet Darlene.
My parents were involved in community events. Dad was a volunteer Firefighter for the area we lived.
I was taught what to do when old enough. Our community relied on each other to survive because we
did not have access to things people in a city would have. Both parents taught 4-H classes. Dad also
worked with the FFA(Future Farmers of America). He took my cousin east for a major event when
cousins father could not go.
Though Mom did not work drawing a salary until much later in life she always was helping someone.
Many times making sandwiches at school was less work than the things done for neighbors with no
The home they build still stands in my heart and the house shows the loss of them. The love they
shared and cared about used to echo in the walls of our home.
Knowing the house was build many years after the barn was (1854), it was a one bedroom house
home with two pantries on the back. No bath until we moved in and Dad put it in. The room was
there just not utilized. A small add on bedroom was on the south side, the kitchen and dining area was
one with stairs to the attic to sleep on side of the kitchen wall. One closet about 4 x 5 feet to the ceiling
shelves to utilize in hall to the non bathroom until I helped Dad run the plumping and the lines for
indoor bathroom. I loved the attic. It was completed finished with redwood boards and what I called
my special place. Funny how Mom always thought I liked the bedroom I shared with Sis the best but
that was never true. That bedroom was open to everyone and not private or semi private at all.
So I am Thankful for my parents and what they tried to instill in me and the home (house) that I was
raised in.
O, how I wish I had a picture of Dad tossing his hat in the door with a big cheshire grin on his face
when he thought he had irritated Mom. The look in her eyes would melt and then life moved on.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wordless Wednesday---Cousin's Horatio N Mattison
Mattison----- Madison--------- Petersburg, Renselaer Co. NY
Cousins comments were:
wife name same but children not same but could be moving west.
Cousins comments were:
Thanks... have never found his parents...he and Abigail had eight children , all born in new york , then went to nebraska |
Name: | Horatio N Mattison [Horatio N Matteson] | ||||||||||||
Age: | 33 | ||||||||||||
Estimated Birth Year: | abt 1817 | ||||||||||||
Birth Place: | New York | ||||||||||||
Gender: | Male | ||||||||||||
Home in 1850 (City,County,State): | Harford, Cortland, New York | ||||||||||||
Family Number: | 1496 | ||||||||||||
Household Members: |
| ||||||||||||
Believe next census shows it's him.
1870 Nebraska
Now they are in Nebraska |
Name: | Horatio Matteson | ||||||||||||
Birth Year: | abt 1817 | ||||||||||||
Age in 1870: | 53 | ||||||||||||
Birthplace: | New York | ||||||||||||
Home in 1870: | Lincoln, Washington, Nebraska | ||||||||||||
Race: | White | ||||||||||||
Gender: | Male | ||||||||||||
Value of real estate: | View image | ||||||||||||
Household Members: |
| ||||||||||||
1880 I already sent: HE is living with daughter Amy and her family James Ostrander age 63 no mention of the others. wife is gone
As one can see the name keeps moving. Since my Madison came from same area of Petersburg New York
I suspect we should do close checking our lines for a connection. I see a George in your line
Wondering if Horatio could be sibling of my Susan? Anything is possible.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tombstone Tuesday - Susan MADISON Jones
Susan Madison Jones
24 Mar 1818
13 Feb 1881
Remains have been moved due to road widing. She was buried in Bradford Twp,/Chickasaw Co.
Iowa. She was buried on border of the two counties. She is now buried in Chickasaw Co. IOWA.
As is her husband Noyes JONES
Susan implied she was born in MASS, She also told family she was married to NOYES JONES
in Mass. No proof ever located.
Their second born son was born in Mass. He also died before they left NY for Illinois, according to
family lore. NOEL JONES b 1835 Mass according to Census. Was a teen at time of supposed death,
supposedly an accident.
They were living in the JONES HOLLOW, JONES RD area of Petersburg, NY at the time of his death.
Any one with information would love to hear from you.
George Madison was a neighbor in 1870.
Here is his data and here is William Madison's data also found in area.
24 Mar 1818
13 Feb 1881
Remains have been moved due to road widing. She was buried in Bradford Twp,/Chickasaw Co.
Iowa. She was buried on border of the two counties. She is now buried in Chickasaw Co. IOWA.
As is her husband Noyes JONES
Susan implied she was born in MASS, She also told family she was married to NOYES JONES
in Mass. No proof ever located.
Their second born son was born in Mass. He also died before they left NY for Illinois, according to
family lore. NOEL JONES b 1835 Mass according to Census. Was a teen at time of supposed death,
supposedly an accident.
They were living in the JONES HOLLOW, JONES RD area of Petersburg, NY at the time of his death.
Any one with information would love to hear from you.
George Madison was a neighbor in 1870.
Here is his data and here is William Madison's data also found in area.
William Madison in Beaver Butler Co IA 1880 with Charles Knipe as boarder and is mar age 70 father VT mom MASS b NY1880 United States Federal Census -
Geo Madison
Birth Year:
abt 1823
Age in 1870:
New York
Home in 1870:
Riverton, Floyd, Iowa
Value of real estate:
Household Members:
Suspect he(George) is sibling. William may be older brother.
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