Sunday, May 27, 2018

Fort Wayne , Indiana.

Georgia Reseach and. North Carolina ,land of the past.

As we researched data in Georgia,  it kept referring to North  Carolina.   Later in the day it referred to
Halifax, Va.  Even later in the day we were back up into Maryland, prior to that Scotland.

The fun part was the library had a book on the probate records for Mecklenburg County.  Volume one is filled with Alexander’s.  It even mentions some Morrow’s.

We have in common, a few of the surnames.  

We have Morrow,  in common.   Having done little search in Georgia, thought I might grasp my line better.

She has Alexander, some rather famous is well known War Veterans, a Governor and many others whom settle in North Carolina then some to Georgia.

Yes, they also moved to other areas in common wither our lines and then our lines meet again..

Genealogy can be fun one learns so much.

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